vector head
Смотреть что такое "vector head" в других словарях:
Head louse — This article is about the animal. For the disease known as head lice, see Pediculosis capitis. Head lice Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia … Wikipedia
Vector Motors Corporation — Rechtsform Privat Gründung 1978[1] … Deutsch Wikipedia
Vector Prime (Transformers) — Vector Prime is a fictional character from the toyline, animated series and comics.Transformers: CybertronTransformers character name = Vector Prime caption = Knight Warrior of Cybertron and Defender of Spacetime affiliation =Autobot subgroup =… … Wikipedia
Vector (disease) — Vector is a phrase used in parasitology and entomology to describe a special type of intermediate host for parasites. A vector is not only required as part of the parasite s development, but it also delivers the parasite directly to subsequent… … Wikipedia
Head-up display — A head up display, or HUD, is any transparent display that presents data without requiring the user to look away from his or her usual viewpont. The origin of the name stems from the user being able to view information with their head up and… … Wikipedia
vector — vectorial /vek tawr ee euhl, tohr /, adj. vectorially, adv. /vek teuhr/, n. 1. Math. a. a quantity possessing both magnitude and direction, represented by an arrow the direction of which indicates the direction of the quantity and the length of… … Universalium
Vector-valued function — A vector valued function is a mathematical function that maps real numbers onto vectors. Vector valued functions can be defined as: *mathbf{r}(t)=f(t)mathbfhat{i}+g(t)mathbfhat{j} or *mathbf{r}(t)=f(t)mathbfhat{i}+g(t)mathbfhat{j}+h(t)mathbfhat{k}… … Wikipedia
Vector (epidemiology) — The mosquito is a vector for Malaria. In epidemiology, a vector is any agent (person, animal or microorganism) that carries and transmits an infectious agent.[1] … Wikipedia
Vector Field Histogram — In robotics, Vector Field Histogram (VFH) is a real time motion planning algorithm proposed by Johann Borenstein and Yoram Koren in 1991.cite journal author = Borenstein, J. coauthors = Koren, Y. year = 1991 title = The vector field histogram… … Wikipedia
Hydraulic head — is a specific measurement of water pressure or total energy per unit weight above a geodetic datum. It is usually measured as a water surface elevation, expressed in units of length, but represents the energy at the entrance (or bottom) of a… … Wikipedia
Euclidean vector — This article is about the vectors mainly used in physics and engineering to represent directed quantities. For mathematical vectors in general, see Vector (mathematics and physics). For other uses, see vector. Illustration of a vector … Wikipedia