vector cycle

vector cycle
мат. вектор-цикл

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "vector cycle" в других словарях:

  • Cycle space — This article is about a concept in graph theory. For space allocated to bicycles, see segregated cycle facilities. In graph theory, an area of mathematics, a cycle space is a vector space defined from an undirected graph; elements of the cycle… …   Wikipedia

  • Vector processor — A vector processor, or array processor, is a CPU design where the instruction set includes operations that can perform mathematical operations on multiple data elements simultaneously. This is in contrast to a scalar processor which handles one… …   Wikipedia

  • Vector (epidemiology) — The mosquito is a vector for Malaria. In epidemiology, a vector is any agent (person, animal or microorganism) that carries and transmits an infectious agent.[1] …   Wikipedia

  • cycle — 1. A recurrent series of events. 2. A recurring period of time. 3. One successive compression and rarefaction of a wave, as of a sound wave. [G. kyklos, circle] anovulatory c. a …   Medical dictionary

  • vector analysis — analysis of a directed quantity to determine both its magnitude and its direction, e.g., analysis of the scalar electrocardiogram to determine the magnitude and direction of the electromotive force for one complete cycle of the heart …   Medical dictionary

  • vector diagram — a diagram representing the direction and magnitude of electromotive forces of the heart for one entire cycle, based on analysis of the scalar electrocardiogram …   Medical dictionary

  • Parker vector — In mathematics, especially the field of group theory, the Parker vector is an integer vector that describes a permutation group in terms of the cycle structure of its elements.DefinitionThe Parker vector P of a permutation group G acting on a set …   Wikipedia

  • Orientation (vector space) — See also: orientation (geometry) The left handed orientation is shown on the left, and the right handed on the right. In mathematics, orientation is a notion that in two dimensions allows one to say when a cycle goes around clockwise or… …   Wikipedia

  • Amnion (Gap Cycle) — The Amnion (singular, Amnioni) are a fictional alien species in Stephen Donaldson s The Gap Cycle. They are shown to be the only alien race humanity has made contact with and play a major role in the series from Forbidden Knowledge onwards.Amnion …   Wikipedia

  • The Gap Cycle — (published 1991 – 1996 by Bantam Books and reprinted by Gollancz in 2008 [1]) is a science fiction story, told in a series of 5 books, written by Stephen R. Donaldson. It is an epic set in a future where humans have pushed far out into space in… …   Wikipedia

  • Rabi cycle — In physics, the Rabi cycle is the cyclic behaviour of a two state quantum system in the presence of an oscillatory driving field. A two state system has two possible states, and if they are not degenerate energy levels the system can become… …   Wikipedia

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