vector algebra
Смотреть что такое "vector algebra" в других словарях:
vector algebra — vektorinė algebra statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. vector algebra vok. Vektoralgebra, f rus. векторная алгебра, f pranc. algèbre vectorielle, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
vector algebra — vektorinė algebra statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. vector algebra vok. Vektoralgebra, f rus. векторная алгебра, f pranc. algèbre vectorielle, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
vector algebra — noun the part of algebra that deals with the theory of vectors and vector spaces • Topics: ↑mathematics, ↑math, ↑maths • Hypernyms: ↑algebra • Hyponyms: ↑decomposition, ↑vector decomposi … Useful english dictionary
Comparison of vector algebra and geometric algebra — Vector algebra and geometric algebra are alternative approaches to providing additional algebraic structures on vector spaces, with geometric interpretations, particularly vector fields in multivariable calculus and applications in mathematical… … Wikipedia
vector algebra — noun The branch of mathematics that deals with vectors and operations on them … Wiktionary
Vector calculus — Topics in Calculus Fundamental theorem Limits of functions Continuity Mean value theorem Differential calculus Derivative Change of variables Implicit differentiation Taylor s theorem Related rates … Wikipedia
vector analysis — the branch of calculus that deals with vectors and processes involving vectors. * * * ▪ mathematics Introduction a branch of mathematics that deals with quantities that have both magnitude and direction. Some physical and geometric… … Universalium
algebra — /ˈældʒəbrə / (say aljuhbruh) noun 1. the mathematical art of reasoning about (quantitative) relations by means of a systematised notation including letters and other symbols; the analysis of equations, combinatorial analysis, theory of fractions …
vector decomposition — noun the analysis of a vector field • Syn: ↑decomposition • Hypernyms: ↑vector algebra … Useful english dictionary
Algebra (disambiguation) — Algebra is a branch of mathematics.Algebra may also mean: * elementary algebra * abstract algebra * linear algebra * universal algebra * computer algebraIn addition, many mathematical objects are known as algebras. * In logic: ** Boolean algebra… … Wikipedia
Vector — may refer to: In mathematics * Euclidean vector, a geometric entity endowed with both length and direction, an element of a Euclidean vector space * Coordinate vector, in linear algebra, an explicit representation of an element of any abstract… … Wikipedia