- vasomotor
- вазомоторный, сосудодвигательный (анатомия) сосудодвигательный нерв (анатомия) сосудодвигательный, вазомоторный - * phenomena сужение и расширение сосудов
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Vasomotor — Vas o*mo tor, a. [L. vas a vessel + motor that which moves fr. movere to move.] (Physiol.) Causing movement in the walls of vessels; as, the vasomotor mechanisms; the vasomotor nerves, a system of nerves distributed over the muscular coats of the … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vasomotor — VASOMOTÓR, OÁRE, vasomotori, oare, adj. Care se referă la contracţia sau la relaxarea vaselor sangvine, care aparţine acestor mişcări; care produce, reglează contracţia sau relaxarea vaselor sangvine. – Din fr. vaso moteur. Trimis de bogdanrsb,… … Dicționar Român
Vasomotor — refers to actions upon a blood vessel which alter its diameter. [DorlandsDict|eight/000114557|Vasomotor] [EMedicineDictionary|Vasomotor] More specifically, it can refer to vasodilator action and vasoconstriction action.References … Wikipedia
vasomotor — adj. fisiol. Dícese de la sustancia o del agente que provoca variaciones de calibre de los vasos sanguíneos (vasoconstricción o vasodilatación). Medical Dictionary. 2011. vasomotor … Diccionario médico
vasomotor — |ô| adj. 1. [Fisiologia] Designação dos nervos que determinam a contração (vasoconstritores) ou a dilatação dos vasos (vasodilatadores). • s. m. 2. Cada um destes nervos … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
vasomotor — [vas΄ōmōt′ər, vā′zōmōt′ər] adj. [ VASO + MOTOR] Physiol. regulating the size in diameter of blood vessels: said of a nerve, nerve center, or drug … English World dictionary
vasomotor — ► adjetivo FISIOLOGÍA Que tiene relación con el movimiento regulador de los vasos sanguíneos: ■ sistema vasomotor. * * * vasomotor, a adj. Biol. Se aplica a cualquier cosa que regula los *movimientos de contracción y dilatación de los vasos del… … Enciclopedia Universal
vasomotor — {{#}}{{LM V39489}}{{〓}} {{[}}vasomotor{{]}}, {{[}}vasomotora{{]}} ‹va·so·mo·tor, to·ra› {{《}}▍ adj.{{》}} {{<}}1{{>}} {{♂}}En medicina,{{♀}} del movimiento de regulación del diámetro de los vasos sanguíneos o relacionado con él: • La… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
Vasomotor center — Vasomotor Vas o*mo tor, a. [L. vas a vessel + motor that which moves fr. movere to move.] (Physiol.) Causing movement in the walls of vessels; as, the vasomotor mechanisms; the vasomotor nerves, a system of nerves distributed over the muscular… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Vasomotor rhinitis — Infobox Disease Name = Vasomotor rhinitis Caption = DiseasesDB = 13772 ICD10 = ICD10|J|30|0|j|30 ICD9 = ICD9|477.9 ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = 001648 eMedicineSubj = ent eMedicineTopic = 402 MeshID = D012223 Vasomotor rhinitis is a form of… … Wikipedia
Vasomotor rhinitis — Inflammation of the nose (rhinitis) due to abnormal neuronal (nerve) control of the blood vessels in the nose. Vasomotor rhinitis is not allergic rhinitis. * * * vasomotor rhinitis n chronic rhinitis that is not attributable to allergy or… … Medical dictionary