- vascularization
- мед. новообразование кровеносных сосудов, васкуляризаци (медицина) новообразование кровеносных сосудов, васкляризация
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
vascularization — Growth of blood vessels into a tissue with the result that the oxygen and nutrient supply is improved. Vascularization of tumours is usually a prelude to more rapid growth and often to metastasis; excessive vascularization of the retina in… … Dictionary of molecular biology
vascularization — noun Date: 1818 the process of becoming vascular; also abnormal or excessive formation of blood vessels (as in the retina or on the cornea) … New Collegiate Dictionary
vascularization — vas·cu·lar·i·za·tion (văs kyə lər ĭ zāʹshən) n. 1. The process of vascularizing; the formation of vessels, especially blood vessels. 2. Medicine. An abnormal or pathological formation of blood vessels. * * * … Universalium
vascularization — noun a) the process of being vascularized. b) the formation of blood vessels and capillaries in living tissue … Wiktionary
vascularization — The formation of new blood vessel s in a part. SYN: arterialization (3). * * * vas·cu·lar·iza·tion also Brit vas·cu·lar·isa·tion .vas kyə lə rə zā shən n the process of becoming vascular also abnormal or excessive formation of blood vessels (as… … Medical dictionary
vascularization — n. process of becoming vascular; formation of new blood vessels, angiogenesis … English contemporary dictionary
vascularization — vas·cu·lar·iza·tion … English syllables
vascularization — n. the development of blood vessels (usually capillaries) within a tissue … The new mediacal dictionary
vascularization — noun the organic process whereby body tissue becomes vascular and develops capillaries • Syn: ↑vascularisation • Derivationally related forms: ↑vascularize • Hypernyms: ↑organic process, ↑biological process … Useful english dictionary
Васкуляризация (Vascularization) — формирование новых кровеносных сосудов (обычно капилляров) внутри ткани. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
vascularize — vascularization, n. /vas kyeuh leuh ruyz /, v., vascularized, vascularizing. v.i. Biol. 1. (of a tissue or embryo) to develop or extend blood vessels or other fluid bearing vessels or ducts; become vascular. v.t. Biol., Surg. 2. to supply (an… … Universalium