Смотреть что такое "varnishing-day" в других словарях:
varnishing day — noun Etymology: varnishing (gerund of varnish) (II) + day 1. : a day before the opening of an exhibition of paintings reserved for the painters to varnish or put on finishing touches 2. : the opening day of an art exhibition * * * vernissage ( … Useful english dictionary
varnishing-day — varˈnishing day noun A day before the opening of a picture exhibition when exhibitors may varnish or retouch their pictures after they have been hung • • • Main Entry: ↑varnish … Useful english dictionary
varnishing day — vernissage (def. 1). [1815 25] * * * … Universalium
var|nish|ing day — «VAHR nih shihng», a day before the opening of an exhibition, when exhibitors have the privilege of retouching and varnishing their pictures already hung; vernissage … Useful english dictionary
Vernissage — A vernissage ( varnishing , from French), also known as a preview , private view or simply opening , is the start of an art exhibition. Guests may be served canapés and wine as they discuss with artists and others the works in the exhibition.… … Wikipedia
vernissage — A private showing, preview, or opening of an art exhibition an event marking the start of an exhibition. This word was used with increasing frequency in the United States in the last decade of the 20th century. Vernissage has its roots in the… … Glossary of Art Terms
vernissage — /ver neuh sahzh /; Fr. /verdd nee sannzh /, n., pl. vernissages / sah zhiz/; Fr. / sannzh /. 1. Also called varnishing day. the day before the opening of an art exhibition traditionally reserved for the artist to varnish the paintings. 2. a… … Universalium
ver|nis|sage — «vehr nee SAZH», noun. 1. the opening or first showing of an art exhibition: »It was the first time in history that the Vatican had staged a one man show, or that an artist had been thus honored by the presence of the Pope at his vernissage… … Useful english dictionary
vernissage — [ vɛrnisaʒ ] n. m. • 1837; de vernir 1 ♦ Action de vernir (un tableau, une planche de gravure, etc.), de vernisser (une poterie). 2 ♦ (1880) Jour d ouverture d une exposition de peinture (les artistes pouvaient achever d y vernir leurs tableaux) … Encyclopédie Universelle
demonstration — Synonyms and related words: absolute indication, allegorization, alphabet, art, beef, bitch, blazon, blueprint, boycott, bravura, brilliancy, burden of proof, case, case in point, challenge, charactering, characterization, chart, choreography,… … Moby Thesaurus
display — Synonyms and related words: CRT spot, Century, DM display, Doppler signal, Doric, Egyptian, Elzevir, Garamond, Gothic, IF signal, IM display, Ionic, RF echoes, Transitional, Typewriter, advertise, affect, air, airing, anteriority, antique,… … Moby Thesaurus