
ˈvɑ:mɪnt сущ.;
тж. varment
1) разг.;
шутл. шалопай, шалун;
неприятный человек
2) вредное животное
3) диал.;
= vermin (разговорное) (диалектизм) шалопай, шалун (охота) животное или птица, считающиеся вредителями и не охраняемые законом (разговорное) обманщица (о лисе) (собирательнле) паразиты (клопы, вши и др.) (сельскохозяйственное) вредители, паразиты хищники (о животных, птицах) ;
вредные животные (подлежащие уничтожению, отстрелу;
обыкн. о совах, волках, ласках и т. п.) - snakes and other poisonous * змеи и другие ядовитые твари - lions are protected, but crocodiles are * львы находятся под охраной, но крокодилы рассматриваются как вредители (собирательнле) бездельники;
хулиганы (устаревшее) лихой, удалой (диалектизм) хитрый, себе на уме

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "varmint" в других словарях:

  • varmint — 1530s, chiefly Amer.Eng. dialectal variant of VERMIN (Cf. vermin). Meaning objectionable or troublesome person is recorded from 1773 …   Etymology dictionary

  • varmint — or varment [vär′mənt] n. [dial. var. of VERMIN, with unhistoric t] [Informal or Dial.] a person or animal regarded as troublesome or objectionable: also used as a generalized epithet of disparagement …   English World dictionary

  • varmint —    This word derives from vermin, which is itself used as a reproachful form of address, but an expression like ‘you young varmint’ means little more than ‘you bad boy’. It is mostly applied, in fact, to a mischievous child, especially a boy, but …   A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

  • varmint — var|mint [ varmınt ] noun count OLD FASHIONED 1. ) someone who causes trouble 2. ) AMERICAN INFORMAL a small animal …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Varmint rifle — is an American English term for a relatively small caliber firearm (or even a high powered air gun) primarily used for varmint hunting killing animals such as coyotes and other vermin considered to be farm pests. The varmint gun fills a design… …   Wikipedia

  • Varmint hunting — For the video game, see Country Varmint Hunter .Varmint hunting is the practice of hunting vermin, generally small mammals targeted as a means of pest control, rather than for food. Varminter may refer to a varmint hunter , or describe hunting… …   Wikipedia

  • Varmint of Burke's Garden — The Varmint of Burke s Garden was the name given to a coyote that terrorized the community of Burke s Garden, Virginia, in 1952. The animal killed over 400 registered sheep and caused damages in excess of $32,000 before being killed.To aid in the …   Wikipedia

  • varmint gun — noun or varmint rifle : varminter …   Useful english dictionary

  • varmint rifle — noun see varmint gun …   Useful english dictionary

  • varmint — noun Etymology: alteration of vermin Date: circa 1539 1. an animal considered a pest; specifically one classed as vermin and unprotected by game law 2. a contemptible person ; rascal; broadly person, fellow …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • varmint — /vahr meuhnt/, n. 1. Chiefly Southern and South Midland U.S. a. vermin. b. an objectionable or undesirable animal, usually predatory, as a coyote or bobcat. 2. a despicable, obnoxious, or annoying person. Also, varment. [1530 40; var. of VERMIN… …   Universalium

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