variety of groups

variety of groups
мат. многообразие групп

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "variety of groups" в других словарях:

  • Variety (universal algebra) — This article is about a class of algebraic structures of the same signature. For the set of solutions to a system of polynomial equations, see Algebraic variety. In mathematics, specifically universal algebra, a variety of algebras is the class… …   Wikipedia

  • Variety, the Children's Charity — was founded in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on October 10, 1927 when a group of eleven men involved in show business set up a social club which they named the Variety Club . On Christmas Eve 1928, a small baby was left on the steps of a movie theatre …   Wikipedia

  • variety — 1 Variety, diversity are comparable when they are used in reference to a group, class, or complex whole and denote the state or quality of being composed of different parts, elements, or individuals. Variety may imply that the things which differ …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • variety — noun (plural ties) Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French varieté, from Latin varietat , varietas, from varius various Date: 15th century 1. the quality or state of having different forms or types ; multifariousness 2. a number or… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Groups of things, animals, and people — There are many words which are used in front of of and a plural noun to refer to a group of things, animals, or people. The commonest ones are given here. Some words can be used to refer to a wide range of things or people: assortment, batch,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • groups of things, animals, and people — There are many words which are used in front of of and a plural noun to refer to a group of things, animals, or people. The commonest ones are given here. Some words can be used to refer to a wide range of things or people: assortment, batch,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Groups of things — There are many words which are used in front of of and a plural noun to refer to a group of things, animals, or people. The commonest ones are given here. Some words can be used to refer to a wide range of things or people: assortment, batch,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • groups of things — There are many words which are used in front of of and a plural noun to refer to a group of things, animals, or people. The commonest ones are given here. Some words can be used to refer to a wide range of things or people: assortment, batch,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • groups of animals — There are many words which are used in front of of and a plural noun to refer to a group of things, animals, or people. The commonest ones are given here. Some words can be used to refer to a wide range of things or people: assortment, batch,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • groups of people — There are many words which are used in front of of and a plural noun to refer to a group of things, animals, or people. The commonest ones are given here. Some words can be used to refer to a wide range of things or people: assortment, batch,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • variety — va·ri·e·ty və rī ət ē n, pl ties any of various groups of plants or animals ranking below a species: SUBSPECIES * * * va·ri·e·ty (və riґə te) in taxonomy, a subcategory of a species; see subspecies …   Medical dictionary

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