variable-binding operator

variable-binding operator
оператор присваивания значений переменным

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "variable-binding operator" в других словарях:

  • Binding (linguistics) — In linguistics, binding theory is any of a broad class of theories dealing with the distribution of pronominal and anaphoric elements. The idea that there should be a specialised, coherent theory dealing with this particular set of phenomena… …   Wikipedia

  • Operator (linguistics) — In linguistics, an operator is a special variety of determiner including the visible interrogatives, the quantifiers, and the hypothetical invisible pronoun denoted Op. Operators are differentiated from other determiners by their ability to… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantification — has two distinct meanings.In mathematics and empirical science, it refers to human acts, known as counting and measuring that map human sense observations and experiences into members of some set of numbers. Quantification in this sense is… …   Wikipedia

  • David Kaplan (philosopher) — For other people of the same name, see David Kaplan (disambiguation). David Benjamin Kaplan (born 1933) is an American philosopher and logician teaching at UCLA. His philosophical work focuses on logic, philosophical logic, modality, philosophy… …   Wikipedia

  • Common Lisp — Paradigm(s) Multi paradigm: procedural, functional, object oriented, meta, reflective, generic Appeared in 1984, 1994 for ANSI Common Lisp Developer ANSI X3J13 committee Typing discipline …   Wikipedia

  • Closure (computer science) — In computer science, a closure (also lexical closure, function closure, function value or functional value) is a function together with a referencing environment for the non local variables of that function.[1] A closure allows a function to… …   Wikipedia

  • Théorie du liage — En linguistique, la théorie du liage peut désigner n importe laquelle des membres du grand groupe de théories ayant pour objet la distribution des éléments pronominaux et anaphoriques. L idée selon laquelle il devrait y avoir une théorie… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Free variables and bound variables — In mathematics, and in other disciplines involving formal languages, including mathematical logic and computer science, a free variable is a notation that specifies places in an expression where substitution may take place. The idea is related to …   Wikipedia

  • First-order logic — is a formal logical system used in mathematics, philosophy, linguistics, and computer science. It goes by many names, including: first order predicate calculus, the lower predicate calculus, quantification theory, and predicate logic (a less… …   Wikipedia

  • Modal μ-calculus — In theoretical computer science, the modal μ calculus (also μ calculus, but this can have a more general meaning) is an extension of propositional modal logic (with many modalities) by adding a least fixpoint operator μ and a greatest fixpoint… …   Wikipedia

  • Mereotopology — In formal ontology, a branch of metaphysics, and in ontological computer science, mereotopology is a first order theory, embodying mereological and topological concepts, of the relations among wholes, parts, parts of parts, and the boundaries… …   Wikipedia

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