variable place

variable place
мат. переменная точка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "variable place" в других словарях:

  • Variable gauge axles — (VGA) are axles that allow railway vehicles to pass from tracks of one rail gauge to a different gauge. Variable gauge axles are used to allow the running of trains between Spain and France, Europe and Russia, Kazakhstan and China, and Mongolia… …   Wikipedia

  • Variable retention — is a relatively new silvicultural system that follows nature s model by always retaining a significant part of the forest after harvesting. Variable retention harvests serve to promote desired natural regeneration while preserving unique features …   Wikipedia

  • Place des festivals — 45° 30′ 27″ N 73° 34′ 02″ W / 45.507542, 73.567339 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Variable régionalisée — La VR comme phénomène physique : topographie de la ville de Binche …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Variable (mathématiques) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir variable. En mathématiques et en logique, une variable est un symbole utilisé pour marquer un rôle dans un prédicat, une formule ou un algorithme. Sommaire 1 Notion intuitive de variable …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Variable Geo — This article refers to the video game series, for the OVAs, see Variable Geo (anime). Variable Geo Front cover of V.G.: Variable Geo for the PC 9801, the first title of the series. Developer(s) Gig …   Wikipedia

  • Variable capacitor — Rotary variable capacitor A variable capacitor (also known as a variable air condenser ) is a capacitor whose capacitance may be intentionally and repeatedly changed mechanically or electronically. Variable capacitors are often used in L/C… …   Wikipedia

  • Variable Star — For the astronomical object, see Variable star. infobox Book | name = Variable Star title orig = translator = image caption = author = Robert A. Heinlein Spider Robinson cover artist = Stephan Martiniere country = United States language = English …   Wikipedia

  • Variable gaussienne — Définition   En probabilité, une variable aléatoire X est une variable gaussienne d espérance μ et d écart type σ (donc de variance σ2) si elle admet pour fonction caractéristique définie, pour par …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Variable speed air compressor — A Variable Speed Drive (VSD) Air Compressor [ [ Variable Speed Drive Compressor] ] is an air compressor that takes advantage of Variable Speed Drive technology. This type of compressor uses a special drive… …   Wikipedia

  • Variable speed of light — The variable speed of light (VSL) concept states that the speed of light in a vacuum, usually denoted by c , may not be constant in some cases. In most situations in condensed matter physics when light is traveling through a medium, it… …   Wikipedia

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