variable exchange

variable exchange
неустойчивый курс

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "variable exchange" в других словарях:

  • Variable gauge axles — (VGA) are axles that allow railway vehicles to pass from tracks of one rail gauge to a different gauge. Variable gauge axles are used to allow the running of trains between Spain and France, Europe and Russia, Kazakhstan and China, and Mongolia… …   Wikipedia

  • Exchange Traded Fund — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un Exchange Traded Fund (ETF por sus sigla en inglés), o fondo negociable en el mercado, es un fondo que permite tomar posiciones sobre un índice. El mercado de estos productos supone, según los especialistas de BFS …   Wikipedia Español

  • Variable envelope return path — (VERP) is a technique used by some electronic mailing list software to enable automatic detection and removal of undeliverable e mail addresses. It works by using a different return path (also called envelope sender ) for each recipient of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Exchange Management Shell — Windows PowerShell Screenshot von PowerShell 1.0 Basisdaten Entwickler: Microsoft Corporation Aktuelle Version …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Variable Geo — This article refers to the video game series, for the OVAs, see Variable Geo (anime). Variable Geo Front cover of V.G.: Variable Geo for the PC 9801, the first title of the series. Developer(s) Gig …   Wikipedia

  • Variable Survivorship Life Insurance — A type of variable life insurance policy that covers two individuals and pays a death benefit to a beneficiary, only after both people have died. Variable Survivorship Life Insurance does not pay any benefit when the first policyholder dies.… …   Investment dictionary

  • Variable pricing — Most firms use a fixed price policy. That is, they examine the situation, determine an appropriate price, and leave the price fixed at that amount until the situation changes, at which point they go through the process again. The alternative has… …   Wikipedia

  • Variable prepaid forward contract — A Prepaid Variable Forward contract (PVF) is an investment strategy that allows an investor with a concentrated stock holding to generate liquidity for diversification or other purposes. Additionally, the investor will receive cash in hand… …   Wikipedia

  • Variable Redemption Bond —    A bond whose redemption value is linked to a variable such as the dollar/yen exchange rate, the performance of the US Treasury bond, a stock index or the gold price …   Financial and business terms

  • variable annuity — An annuity under a contract which guarantees the annuitant that upon reaching a specified age he will receive periodic payments, the amount of which is not fixed and has no assured minimum, but will vary according to the success of the investment …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • exchange rate — i. The ratio of enemy losses to one’s own, especially in air combat. ii. The conversion factors assumed and used in calculating the influence of variable aircraft performance. iii. The conversion ratio between two different currencies …   Aviation dictionary

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