vapor condenser

vapor condenser
охладитель выпара

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "vapor condenser" в других словарях:

  • Vapor-compression evaporation — is the evaporation method by which a blower, compressor or jet ejector is used to compress, and thus, increase the pressure of the vapor produced. Since the pressure increase of the vapor also generates an increase in the condensation temperature …   Wikipedia

  • Vapor-compression refrigeration — [ [ The Ideal Vapor Compression Cycle] ] [ [http://iehmtu.edata r/ch18s82.html Scroll down to The Basic Vapor Compression Cycle and… …   Wikipedia

  • Condenser — may refer to: Condenser (heat transfer), a device or unit used to condense vapor into liquid. More specific articles on some types include: Air coil used in HVAC refrigeration systems Condenser (laboratory), a range of laboratory glassware used… …   Wikipedia

  • Vapor-compression desalination — Vapor compression is a distillation process in which the vapor generated by evaporation is compressed and condensed to form fresh water. Since compression of the vapor increases both the pressure and temperature of the vapor, it is possible to… …   Wikipedia

  • Condenser (laboratory) — Two different condensers are seen here: an air cooled fractionating column on left, and a Liebig condenser on the right In a laboratory a condenser is a piece of laboratory glassware used to cool hot vapors or liquids. [1] A condenser usually… …   Wikipedia

  • Condenser (heat transfer) — For other Condensers not involving heat transfer, see Condenser (disambiguation). In systems involving heat transfer, a condenser is a device or unit used to condense a substance from its gaseous to its liquid state, typically by cooling it. In… …   Wikipedia

  • condenser — 1. An apparatus for cooling a gas to a liquid, or a liquid to a solid. 2. In dentistry, a manual or powered instrument used for packing a plastic or unset material into a cavity of a tooth; …   Medical dictionary

  • condenser — [1] A small metal cylinder which is usually located in the distributor. It is installed between the breaker points and coil to prevent arcing at the breaker points by absorbing or storing the excess current. A condenser (also called a capacitor ) …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • condenser — noun Date: 1686 1. one that condenses: as a. a lens or mirror used to concentrate light on an object b. an apparatus in which gas or vapor is condensed 2. capacitor …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Condenser Coil —   The device in an air conditioner or heat pump through which the refrigerant is circulated and releases heat to the surroundings when a fan blows outside air over the coils. This will return the hot vapor that entered the coil into a hot liquid… …   Energy terms

  • Air well (condenser) — High mass air well of Belgian engineer Achile Knapen in Trans en Provence …   Wikipedia

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