
1. гл.
1) исчезать, пропадать (тж. vanish away) to vanish completelyполностью исчезнуть to vanish from sightскрыться из вида, исчезнуть из поля зрения When morning came, the mist had vanished away. ≈ С наступлением утра туман рассеялся.
2) мат. стремиться к нулю
2. сущ.;
фон. скольжение (фонетика) скольжение скрываться из виду, исчезать, пропадать - to * into thin air исчезнуть как дым, испариться - to * in the dark скрыться в темноте - to * out of sight скрыться из виду - suspicions *ed подозрения исчезли - he *ed in the crowd он смешался с толпой - the hours * away часы текут вымирать;
исчезать - many types of animals have now *ed from the earth многие виды животных уже исчезли с лица земли (редкое) устранять, удалять (математика) обращаться в нуль vanish исчезать, пропадать;
to vanish in the crowd смешаться с толпой ~ фон. скольжение ~ мат. стремиться к нулю vanish исчезать, пропадать;
to vanish in the crowd смешаться с толпой

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "vanish" в других словарях:

  • Vanish — Van ish, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Vanished}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Vanishing}.] [OE. vanissen, OF. vanir (in comp.): cf. OF. envanir, esvanir, esvanu[ i]r, F. s [ e]vanouir; fr. L. vanus empty, vain; cf. L. vanescere, evanescere, to vanish. See {Vain},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Vanish — Van ish, n. (Phon.) The brief terminal part of vowel or vocal element, differing more or less in quality from the main part; as, a as in ale ordinarily ends with a vanish of i as in ill, o as in old with a vanish of oo as in foot. Rush. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Vanish — may refer to:*Vanish (brand), a toilet bowl cleaner * Vanish an episode of the TV series Criss Angel Mindfreak *Vanishing, a type of magical effect *A mathematical function having a root or a zeroee also*Forced disappearance *Vanishing… …   Wikipedia

  • vanish — vanish, evanesce, evaporate, disappear, fade can all mean to pass from view or out of existence. Vanish implies a complete, often mysterious, and usually sudden passing; it commonly suggests absence of all trace or of any clue that would permit… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • vanish — (v.) c.1300, from aphetic form of stem of O.Fr. esvanir disappear, from V.L. *exvanire, from L. evanescere disappear, die out, from ex out (see EX (Cf. ex )) + vanescere vanish, from vanus empty (see VAIN (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

  • vanish — [van′ish] vi. [ME vanissen, aphetic < prp. stem of OFr esvanir < VL * exvanire, for L evanescere: see EVANESCE] 1. to go or pass suddenly from sight; disappear 2. to cease to exist; come to an end 3. Math. to become zero n. Phonet. the… …   English World dictionary

  • vanish — index depart, disappear, dissipate (spread out), evacuate, expire, leave (depart), perish …   Law dictionary

  • vanish — [v] disappear become invisible, be lost, clear, dematerialize, die, die out, dissolve, evanesce, evaporate, exit, fade, fade away, go away, melt; concept 105 Ant. appear, arrive, come …   New thesaurus

  • vanish — ► VERB 1) disappear suddenly and completely. 2) gradually cease to exist. 3) Mathematics become zero. DERIVATIVES vanishing adjective & noun vanishingly adverb. ORIGIN Old French esvanir, from Latin evanescere die away …   English terms dictionary

  • vanish — v. 1) to vanish completely 2) (D; intr.) to vanish from (to vanish from sight) 3) (D; intr.) to vanish into (to vanish into thin air) * * * [ vænɪʃ] to vanish completely (D; intr.) to vanish from (to vanish from sight) (D; intr.) to vanish into… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • vanish — verb 1 disappear suddenly and completely ADVERB ▪ just, simply ▪ I turned around and she had simply vanished. ▪ abruptly, instantly, promptly, suddenly …   Collocations dictionary

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