valves — ● valves nom féminin pluriel En Belgique, tableau d affichage placé sous une vitre … Encyclopédie Universelle
Valves cardiaques — En anatomie, les valves cardiaques sont des structures du cœur, séparant les différentes cavités et empêchant le sang de refluer dans le mauvais sens. Elles sont au nombre de quatre : La valve mitrale entre l oreillette gauche et le… … Wikipédia en Français
valves of Kerkring — valves of Kerk·ring or valves of Kerck·ring ker kriŋ n pl PLICAE CIRCULARES Kerckring Theodor (1640 1693) Dutch anatomist. Kerckring was an anatomist and physician practicing in Amsterdam. In 1670 he described the permanent transverse folds of… … Medical dictionary
Valves, heart — There are four heart valves. All are one way valves. Blood entering the heart first passes through the tricuspid valve and then the pulmonary valve. After returning from the lungs, the blood passes through the mitral (bicuspid) valve and exits… … Medical dictionary
valves — Смотри трубопроводная арматура … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
valves — vælv n. device that controls the flow of a liquid through a passage or a pipe; membranous flap that controls the direction and/or flow of bodily fluids; one of two shells in a bivalve mollusc; device which changes the pitch in a wind instrument… … English contemporary dictionary
VALVES — … Useful english dictionary
cardiac valves — valves that control the flow of blood through and from the heart; they are the atrioventricular, aortic, and pulmonary trunk valves … Medical dictionary
auriculo-ventricular valves — valves at the junction between the atrium and ventricle chambers of the heart, q.v. Presumably atrio ventricular is correct … Dictionary of ichthyology
burned valves — Valves that have become pitted so that they do not close properly … Dictionary of automotive terms
lightened valves — Valves in which all possible metal has been ground away to reduce weight. This will allow higher rpm without valve float … Dictionary of automotive terms