value of mapping
Смотреть что такое "value of mapping" в других словарях:
Value Stream Mapping — is a Lean technique used to analyse the flow of materials and information currently required to bring a product or service to a consumer. At Toyota, where the technique originated, it is known as Material and Information Flow Mapping [Learning to … Wikipedia
Value Stream Mapping — ou Cartographie de Chaine de Valeur Ajoutée est une méthode de lean manufacturing de cartographie d un processus. Il vise à cibler les opérations sans valeurs ajoutées, pour ensuite les réduire ou les supprimer. Exemple en anglais Notes … Wikipédia en Français
Value stream mapping software — is a type of software that helps prepare and/or analyze value stream maps. The software typically helps design maps through utilizing a series of symbols representing activity and information/material flow, and as a supplement to manual… … Wikipedia
Value Stream Mapping — Die Artikel Wertstromdesign und Wertstromanalyse überschneiden sich thematisch. Hilf mit, die Artikel besser voneinander abzugrenzen oder zu vereinigen. Beteilige dich dazu an der Diskussion über diese Überschneidungen. Bitte entferne diesen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Value stream mapping — Die Artikel Wertstromdesign und Wertstromanalyse überschneiden sich thematisch. Hilf mit, die Artikel besser voneinander abzugrenzen oder zu vereinigen. Beteilige dich dazu an der Diskussion über diese Überschneidungen. Bitte entferne diesen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mapping — Der Begriff Mapping (zu deutsch Abbildung oder Kartierung, wörtlich eine Karte machen) hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten eine Reihe zusätzlicher Bedeutungen erhalten. Zum ursprünglichen Inhalt – ein begrenztes Gebiet kartografisch erfassen; erhobene … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mapping of Unicode characters — Unicode’s Universal Character Set has a potential capacity to support over 1 million characters. Each UCS character is mapped to a code point which is an integer between 0 and 1,114,111 used to represent each character within the internal logic… … Wikipedia
Value network — A value network is a business analysis perspective that describes social and technical resources within and between businesses. The nodes in a value network represent people (or roles). The nodes are connected by interactions that represent… … Wikipedia
Mapping of Unicode graphic characters — Main article: Mapping of Unicode characters By far the most common Unicode characters are graphical characters. Graphical characters all have some visual representation or glyphs associated with them. While Unicode does not specify the concrete… … Wikipedia
Value grid — The value grid model was proposed by Pil and Holweg as a means to show that the way firms compete has shifted away from the linear value chain way management theory has traditionally thought about value chain management.The advantages of a value… … Wikipedia
Mapping Services Agreement — The Mapping Services Agreement (MSA) is a licensing contract between local authorities in the United Kingdom and suppliers of geographic data. Most of its contents are covered by commercial in confidence requirements. The general outcome of the… … Wikipedia