valuable information
Смотреть что такое "valuable information" в других словарях:
Information industry — or information industries is a loosely defined term for industries that are information intensive in one way or the other. It is considered one of the most important economic sectors for a variety of reasons. There are many different kinds of… … Wikipedia
Information and communication technologies for development — An OLPC class in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia … Wikipedia
valuable — valuableness, n. valuably, adv. /val yooh euh beuhl, yeuh beuhl/, adj. 1. having considerable monetary worth; costing or bringing a high price: a valuable painting; a valuable crop. 2. having qualities worthy of respect, admiration, or esteem: a… … Universalium
valuable — /ˈvæljuəbəl / (say valyoohuhbuhl), /ˈvæljubəl / (say valyoohbuhl) adjective 1. of monetary worth. 2. representing a large market value: valuable paintings. 3. of considerable use, service, or importance: valuable information; valuable aid. 4.… …
valuable — adj. & n. adj. of great value, price, or worth (a valuable property; valuable information). n. (usu. in pl.) a valuable thing, esp. a small article of personal property. Derivatives: valuably adv … Useful english dictionary
Information TV — Infobox TV channel name= Information TV logofile=InfoTVlogo.jpg logoalt=Information TV Logo launch= 19 January 2004 Closed= 7 January 2007 sat serv 1=Sky Digital sat chan 1=Channel 166 (Info TV) Channel 167 (Info TV2) sat serv 2=Eurobird 1 sat… … Wikipedia
Information security — Components: or qualities, i.e., Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA). Information Systems are decomposed in three main portions, hardware, software and communications with the purpose to identify and apply information security… … Wikipedia
Information good — in economics and law is a type commodity whose main market value is derived from the information it contains. It may also include services (information services). The typical examples of information goods include a CD containing pieces of music,… … Wikipedia
Information wants to be free — is an expression that has come to be the unofficial motto of the free content movement.HistoryThe expression is first recorded as pronounced by Stewart Brand at the first Hackers Conference in 1984, in the following context:On the one hand… … Wikipedia
information asset — UK US noun [C] ► (also information resource) WORKPLACE a piece of information, such an employee record, a customer list, or a financial report, that is valuable to a company or organization ► COMMUNICATIONS a part of the media (= ways of… … Financial and business terms
information economy — UK US noun [C] ► ECONOMICS an economy in which knowledge, information, and services are more valuable than manufacturing: »The technological revolution associated with the computer and the information economy has accelerated the shift of… … Financial and business terms