Valorization — Val or*i*za tion, n. [Pg. valorizac[ a]o.] Act or process of attempting to give an arbitrary market value or price to a commodity by governmental interference, as by maintaining a purchasing fund, making loans to producers to enable them to hold… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
valorization — ☆ valorization [val΄ər i zā′shən ] n. 〚Port valorização < valorizar, to valorize < valor, a price, worth < LL: see VALOR〛 1. a stabilizing or fixing of prices, usually by government action 2. a conferring of value upon something * * * See … Universalium
valorization — index ad valorem, rating Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
valorization — 1907, from valor value (late 15c.), variant of valour (see VALOR (Cf. valor)) … Etymology dictionary
valorization — ☆ valorization [val΄ər i zā′shən ] n. [Port valorização < valorizar, to valorize < valor, a price, worth < LL: see VALOR] 1. a stabilizing or fixing of prices, usually by government action 2. a conferring of value upon something … English World dictionary
valorization — valorize UK US (UK also valorise) /ˈvæləraɪz/ verb [T] ECONOMICS ► to decide the value of goods, resources, etc., in order to agree the price that should be charged for them valorization (UK also valorisation) noun [U] ► »the valorization of… … Financial and business terms
valorization — valorize (also valorise) ► VERB ▪ give or ascribe value or validity to. DERIVATIVES valorization noun. ORIGIN from French valorisation, from valeur value … English terms dictionary
valorization — noun see valorize … New Collegiate Dictionary
valorization — val·or·i·za·tion || ‚vælÉ™rÉ™ zeɪʃn / raɪ z n. establishment and maintenance of the high price of a certain commodity through governmental channels (also valorisation) … English contemporary dictionary
valorization — The raising or stabilization of the value of a commodity or currency by artificial means, usually by a government. For example, if a government wishes to increase the price of a commodity that it exports it may attempt to decrease the supply of… … Big dictionary of business and management
valorization — val·o·ri·za·tion … English syllables