valid inference

valid inference
мат. истинный вывод

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "valid inference" в других словарях:

  • Inference — is the act or process of deriving a conclusion based solely on what one already knows. Inference is studied within several different fields. * Human inference (i.e. how humans draw conclusions) is traditionally studied within the field of… …   Wikipedia

  • inference — n. 1) to draw, make an inference from 2) an invalid; valid inference 3) an inference that + clause (we made the inference that she had been wrongly accused) * * * [ ɪnf(ə)rəns] make an inference from valid inference an invalid to draw an… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • valid — adjective Etymology: Middle French or Medieval Latin; Middle French valide, from Medieval Latin validus, from Latin, strong, potent, from valēre Date: 1571 1. having legal efficacy or force; especially executed with the proper legal authority and …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • valid — adj. 1 legally acceptable VERBS ▪ be ▪ become ▪ remain, stay ▪ deem sth, hold sth ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • inference — /in feuhr euhns, freuhns/, n. 1. the act or process of inferring. 2. something that is inferred: to make rash inferences. 3. Logic. a. the process of deriving the strict logical consequences of assumed premises. b. the process of arriving at some …   Universalium

  • inference — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ fair, logical, reasonable, valid ▪ obvious VERB + INFERENCE ▪ draw, make …   Collocations dictionary

  • Valid — Mit Validität (von lat. validus: kräftig, wirksam; engl. „validity“, Gültigkeit) wird in erster Linie das argumentative Gewicht einer (vornehmlich wissenschaftlichen) Feststellung, Aussage, Untersuchung, Theorie oder Prämisse bezeichnet. Wird… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Statistical inference — In statistics, statistical inference is the process of drawing conclusions from data that are subject to random variation, for example, observational errors or sampling variation.[1] More substantially, the terms statistical inference,… …   Wikipedia

  • Rule of inference — In logic, a rule of inference (also called a transformation rule) is a function from sets of formulae to formulae. The argument is called the premise set (or simply premises ) and the value the conclusion . They can also be viewed as relations… …   Wikipedia

  • List of rules of inference — This is a list of rules of inference, logical laws that relate to mathematical formulae.IntroductionRules of inference are syntactical transformation rules which one can use to infer a conclusion from a premise to create an argument. A set of… …   Wikipedia

  • formal logic — the branch of logic concerned exclusively with the principles of deductive reasoning and with the form rather than the content of propositions. [1855 60] * * * Introduction       the abstract study of propositions, statements, or assertively used …   Universalium

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