- vainglory
- veɪnˈɡlɔ:rɪ сущ. тщеславие;
хвастливость Syn : vanity, conceit тщеславие;
самовлюбленность хвастовство, похвальба тщета vainglory тщеславие;
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Vainglory — Vain glo ry, n. [Vain + glory.] Excessive vanity excited by one s own performances; empty pride; undue elation of mind; vain show; boastfulness. [1913 Webster] He had nothing of vainglory. Bacon. [1913 Webster] The man s undone forever; for if… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vainglory — index bombast, jactation, pride, rodomontade Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
vainglory — c.1300, worthless glory, waynglori, from O.Fr. vaine glorie, from M.L. vana gloria (see VAIN (Cf. vain) + GLORY (Cf. glory)) … Etymology dictionary
vainglory — *pride, vanity Analogous words: pomp, *display, parade: flaunting, parading, exhibition (see corresponding verbs at SHOW): rhapsody, rodomontade, rant, *bombast … New Dictionary of Synonyms
vainglory — [n] pride arrogance, big headedness*, boastfulness, bragging, cockiness*, conceit, condescension, egoism, egotism, haughtiness, huff, overconfidence, patronage, presumption, pretension, self importance, smugness, snobbery, strutting, swagger,… … New thesaurus
vainglory — ► NOUN literary ▪ excessive vanity. DERIVATIVES vainglorious adjective vaingloriously adverb … English terms dictionary
vainglory — [vān′glôr΄ē, vān glôr′ē] n. [ME vainglorie < OFr vaine gloire < L vana gloria, empty boasting: see VAIN & GLORY] 1. extreme self pride and boastfulness; excessive and ostentatious vanity 2. vain show or empty pomp SYN. PRIDE … English World dictionary
vainglory — noun Date: 13th century 1. excessive or ostentatious pride especially in one s achievements 2. vain display or show ; vanity … New Collegiate Dictionary
vainglory — /vayn glawr ee, glohr ee, vayn glawr ee, glohr ee/, n. 1. excessive elation or pride over one s own achievements, abilities, etc.; boastful vanity. 2. empty pomp or show. [1250 1300; ME vainglorie, trans. of ML vana gloria; see VAIN, GLORY] Syn.… … Universalium
vainglory — noun a) Excessive vanity. b) Boastful, unwarranted pride in ones accomplishments or qualities … Wiktionary
vainglory — Synonyms and related words: amour propre, arrogance, autoeroticism, boastfulness, bombast, complacency, consequentiality, ego trip, egoism, egotism, exhibition, flaunting, haughtiness, narcism, narcissism, overproudness, overweening pride, pride … Moby Thesaurus