
ˈʌtərəns сущ.
1) выражение в словах, произнесение
2) высказывание prophetic utterance ≈ пророческие слова
3) дар слова
4) произношение, манера говорить;
5) выпуск в обращение (монет и т.д.) (книжное) крайний предел - to the * до крайности - to fight to the * бороться до самого конца произнесение, выражение в словах - to give to выразить словами манера говорить;
произношение, дикция - clear * ясная дикция - defective * дефектное произношение дар речи - he has no gift of * он лишен дара речи высказывание (устное или письменное) - public * публичное выступление выпуск в обращение - the * of false coins выпуск в обращение фальшивых монет utterance выражение в словах, произнесение;
he gave utterance to his rage он разразился гневом mistake in the ~ ошибка в произношении ~ высказывание;
public utterance публичное заявление utterance выражение в словах, произнесение;
he gave utterance to his rage он разразился гневом ~ высказывание;
public utterance публичное заявление ~ дар слова ~ дикция;
произношение, манера говорить

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "utterance" в других словарях:

  • Utterance — Ut ter*ance, n. 1. The act of uttering. Specifically: [1913 Webster] (a) Sale by offering to the public. [Obs.] Bacon. [1913 Webster] (b) Putting in circulation; as, the utterance of false coin, or of forged notes. [1913 Webster] (c) Vocal… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Utterance — Ut ter*ance, n. [F. outrance. See {Outrance}.] The last extremity; the end; death; outrance. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Annibal forced those captives whom he had taken of our men to skirmish one against another to the utterance. Holland. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • utterance — index comment, communication (statement), confession, disclosure (something disclosed), observation, parlance, phrase …   Law dictionary

  • utterance — (n.) that which is uttered, mid 15c., from UTTER (Cf. utter) (v.) + ANCE (Cf. ance) …   Etymology dictionary

  • utterance — [n] revelation announcement, articulation, assertion, asseveration, declaration, delivery, discourse, ejaculation, expression, opinion, oration, peroration, pronouncement, rant, recitation, remark, reply, response, saying, sentence, speaking,… …   New thesaurus

  • utterance — ► NOUN 1) a word, statement, or sound uttered. 2) the action of uttering …   English terms dictionary

  • utterance — utterance1 [ut′ər əns] n. [ME: see UTTER2 & ANCE] 1. the act of uttering, or expressing by voice 2. the power or style of speaking 3. that which is uttered; esp., a word or words uttered, whether written or spoken utterance2 [ut′ər əns] …   English World dictionary

  • utterance — [[t]ʌ̱tərəns[/t]] utterances 1) N COUNT: oft poss N Someone s utterances are the things that they say. [FORMAL] ...the Queen s public utterances. ...a host of admirers who hung on her every utterance. 2) N UNCOUNT Utterance is the expression in… …   English dictionary

  • utterance */ — UK [ˈʌt(ə)rəns] / US noun [countable] Word forms utterance : singular utterance plural utterances 1) formal a statement public utterances 2) linguistics a word or phrase that someone speaks • give utterance to something …   English dictionary

  • utterance — n. a prophetic utterance * * * [ ʌt(ə)rəns] a prophetic utterance …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Utterance — An utterance is a complete unit of speech in spoken language. It is generally but not always bounded by silence.It can be represented and delineated in written language in many ways. Note that utterances do not exist in written language, only… …   Wikipedia

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