

1) коммунальные услуги
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4) энергоснабжение Утилиты utilities акции и облигации предприятий общественного пользования ~ коммунальные предприятия ~ коммунальные службы ~ предприятия общественного пользования

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "utilities" в других словарях:

  • utilities — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. services, public utilities, conveniences, necessities of modern life. Utilities include: heat, light, power, gas, water, bus, street car, telephone, electricity, garbage disposal, sewage disposal …   English dictionary for students

  • Utilities in Istanbul — covers the topic of public utility services in the city of Istanbul, Turkey.Water supplyThe first water supply systems which were built in Istanbul date back to the foundation of the city. Two of the greatest aqueducts built in the Roman period… …   Wikipedia

  • Utilities Master Data Message — Utilities Master Data message, abgekürzt UTILMD, ist ein elektronisches Nachrichtenformat, das auf dem Standard EDIFACT beruht. In der EDIFACT Sprache ist UTILMD ein offizieller Nachrichtentyp, der für einen präziseren und einfacheren… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Utilities Master Data message — (UTILMD) ist ein elektronisches Nachrichtenformat, das auf dem Standard EDIFACT beruht. In der EDIFACT Sprache ist UTILMD ein offizieller Nachrichtentyp, der für einen präziseren und einfacheren Nachrichtenaustausch von Stammdaten in der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Utilities Sector — A category of stocks for utilities such as gas and power. The utilities sector contains companies such as electric, gas and water firms and integrated providers. Because utilities require significant infrastructure, these firms often carry large… …   Investment dictionary

  • Utilities of Seattle — Seattle (Seattle, Washington, USA) has a variety of public and private utilities.Unlike most neighboring cities, Seattle s water and electricity are provided by public city agencies: Seattle Public Utilities and Seattle City Light, respectively.… …   Wikipedia

  • Utilities Act 2000 — The Utilities Act 2000 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom (reference 2000 c. 27) that dealt with the gas and electrical markets in the UK. It mainly modified the Gas Act 1995 and Electricity Act 1989. One of the greatest changes… …   Wikipedia

  • Utilities in Chad — In the late 1980s, public utilities in Chad were extremely limited. The Chadian Water and Electricity Company (Société Tchadienne d Eau et d Electricité STEE), was the major public utility company. The government held 82 percent of the shares and …   Wikipedia

  • utilities — utility …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Utilities —    Electricity. Communal service was implemented by an act of the city council of 4 August 1892. A concession was given to the India Rubber Company to establish an electrical works, which began operations in 1896. A trial run was made in… …   Historical Dictionary of Brussels

  • Utilities —    State or private sector enterprises providing public services such as gas, electricity and water …   Financial and business terms

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