use all means
Смотреть что такое "use all means" в других словарях:
by all means — certainly. If you can find a use for this old computer, by all means keep it … New idioms dictionary
means — W2S2 [mi:nz] n plural means ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(method)¦ 2¦(money)¦ 3 by all means! 4 by no means/not by any means 5 by means of something 6 a means to an end 7 the means of production ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1.) … Dictionary of contemporary English
means — 1. When the meaning is ‘financial resources’, means is treated as plural: Their means are somewhat limited. When the meaning is ‘a way or method’ it can operate as a singular noun (when preceded by a determiner such as a, any, or every) or as a… … Modern English usage
means — [miːnz] noun [plural] the money and resources that a person or organization has available: means to do something • Large corporations have the means to pay large fines without suffering hardship. • The group has limited means. • young families… … Financial and business terms
all — (ôl) adj. 1. Being or representing the entire or total number, amount, or quantity: »All the windows are open. Deal all the cards. See Synonyms at WHOLE(Cf. ↑whole). 2. Constituting, being, or representing the total extent or the whole: »all… … Word Histories
all — [[t]ɔ͟ːl[/t]] ♦ 1) PREDET: PREDET det pl n/n uncount You use all to indicate that you are referring to the whole of a particular group or thing or to everyone or everything of a particular kind. He felt betrayed by his mother, and this anger… … English dictionary
Means test — A means test is a determination of whether an individual or family is eligible for help from the government. Contents 1 Canada 2 United Kingdom 3 United States 4 Other international examples … Wikipedia
means — [[t]mi͟ːnz[/t]] ♦♦ 1) N COUNT: with supp A means of doing something is a method, instrument, or process which can be used to do it. Means is both the singular and the plural form for this use. The move is a means to fight crime... The army had… … English dictionary
use — verb To make use of; to convert to one s service; to employ; to avail oneself of; to utilize; to carry out a purpose or action by means of; to put into action or service, especially to attain an end. State v. Howard, 221 Kan. 51, 557 P.2d 1280,… … Black's law dictionary
means — /mi:nz/ noun plural means 1 METHOD (C) a method, system, object etc that you use as a way of achieving a result (+ of): What would be the most effective means of advertising our product? | means of transport BrE /transportation AmE: We had no… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
use — I VERB USES ♦ uses, using, used (Pronounced [[t]ju͟ːz[/t]] in use 1, and [[t]ju͟ːs[/t]] in use 2.) 1) VERB If you use something, you do something with it in order to do a job or to achieve a particular result or effect. [V n] Trim off the excess… … English dictionary