Смотреть что такое "urokinase" в других словарях:
Urokinase — Vorhandene Strukturdaten: siehe UniPr … Deutsch Wikipedia
Urokinase — Le domaine protéase de l urokinase complexée à un inhibiteur. Général Nom IUPAC Human urokinase Synonymes EC … Wikipédia en Français
urokinase — ● urokinase nom féminin Enzyme produite par le rein et excrétée dans l urine … Encyclopédie Universelle
urokinase — ☆ urokinase [yoor΄ō kī′nās΄, yoor΄ōkin′ās΄ ] n. [ URO 1 + KINASE] an enzyme found as a trace in human urine, used for dissolving blood clots … English World dictionary
Urokinase — drugbox IUPAC name = Human urokinase Caption = The protease domain from urokinase in complex with and inhibitor CAS number = 9039 53 6 ATC prefix = B01 ATC suffix = AD04 ATC supplemental = PubChem = DrugBank = BTD00030 C=1376 | H=2145 | N=383 | O … Wikipedia
Urokinase — U|ro|ki|na|se [↑ ur (1) u. ↑ Kinase] aus Harn oder Nierenzellkulturen gewinnbare, auch gentechnologisch herstellbare Serin Proteinase, die in zwei aktiven Formen (MG 54 000 bzw. 31 000) vorliegt. U. löst im Blutgerinnungssystem die… … Universal-Lexikon
Urokinase receptor — The Urokinase receptor, also known as uPA receptor or uPAR or CD87 (Cluster of Differentiation 87), is multidomain glycoprotein tethered to the cell membrane with a glycosylphosphotidylinositol (GPI) anchor. uPAR was originally identified as a… … Wikipedia
urokinase — noun Date: 1952 an enzyme that is produced by the kidney and found in urine, that activates plasminogen, and that is used therapeutically to dissolve blood clots (as in the heart) … New Collegiate Dictionary
urokinase — Serine protease from kidney that is a plasminogen activator. Contains EGF like domain … Dictionary of molecular biology
urokinase — /yoor euh kuy nays, nayz/, n. Biochem., Pharm. an enzyme, present in the blood and urine of mammals, that activates plasminogen and is used medicinally to dissolve blood clots. [1955 60; URO 1 + KINASE] * * * … Universalium
urokinase — noun An enzyme, found in the urine, which converts plasminogen to plasmin, and is used in the treatment of deep vein thrombosis … Wiktionary