Смотреть что такое "urochrome" в других словарях:
urochrome — ● urochrome nom masculin Principal pigment urinaire responsable de la couleur jaune de l urine. urochrome [yʀokʀom] n. m. ÉTYM. 1865; de 1. uro , et chrome. ❖ ♦ Biochim. Pigment brun rouge de l urine (→ Urobiline, cit.) … Encyclopédie Universelle
Urochrome — U ro*chrome, n. [1st uro + Gr. ? color.] (Physiol. Chem.) A yellow urinary pigment, considered by Thudichum as the only pigment present in normal urine. It is regarded by Maly as identical with urobilin. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Urochrome — is a pigment that is one of the causes of the yellow color in urine. It is a breakdown product of the blood s hemoglobin and is removed by the kidneys. Depending on the amount of Urochome the urine might be darker.ee also*Urobilin … Wikipedia
urochrome — [yoor′əkrōm΄] n. [ URO 1 + CHROME] the pigment that gives urine its characteristic yellow color … English World dictionary
urochrome — noun Date: 1864 a yellow pigment to which the color of normal urine is principally due … New Collegiate Dictionary
urochrome — /yoor euh krohm /, n. Biochem. a yellow colored pigment that gives the color to urine. [1860 65; URO 1 + CHROME] * * * … Universalium
urochrome — noun A pigment that causes the yellow color in urine. It is a breakdown product of the bloods haemoglobin and is removed by the kidneys … Wiktionary
urochrome — The principal pigment of urine, a compound of urobilin and a peptide of unknown structure. SYN: urian. * * * uro·chrome yu̇r ə .krōm n a yellow pigment to which the color of normal urine is principally due * * * uro·chrome (uґro krōm) [uro + … Medical dictionary
urochrome — (u ro krô m ) s. m. Matière colorante de l urine. ÉTYMOLOGIE Du grec, urine, et, couleur … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
urochrome — n. pigment that gives urine a yellow color … English contemporary dictionary
urochrome — uro·chrome … English syllables