urgent message
Смотреть что такое "urgent message" в других словарях:
message — noun 1 from one person to another ADJECTIVE ▪ important, urgent, vital ▪ brief, short ▪ incoming, outgoing ▪ … Collocations dictionary
message — mes|sage W2S1 [ˈmesıdʒ] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: Medieval Latin missaticum, from Latin mittere to send ] 1.) a spoken or written piece of information that you send to another person or leave for them ▪ Did you get my message ?… … Dictionary of contemporary English
urgent — ur|gent [ ɜrdʒənt ] adjective ** 1. ) urgent things are things that you need to deal with immediately: He had some urgent business to attend to. The problem is becoming increasingly urgent. in urgent need of something: Refugees there are in… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
urgent */*/ — UK [ˈɜː(r)dʒ(ə)nt] / US [ˈɜrdʒənt] adjective 1) a) urgent things are things that you need to deal with immediately He had some urgent business to attend to. The problem is becoming increasingly urgent. in urgent need of something: The refugees… … English dictionary
urgent — ur|gent S3 [ˈə:dʒənt US ˈə:r ] adj [Date: 1400 1500; : Old French; Origin: Latin, present participle of urgere; URGE1] 1.) very important and needing to be dealt with immediately ▪ He was in urgent need of medical attention. ▪ The report called… … Dictionary of contemporary English
urgent — adjective 1 very important and needing to be dealt with immediately: an urgent message | be in urgent need of: in urgent need of medical attention 2 formal done or said in a way that shows that you want something to be dealt with immediately: an… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
urgent telegram — telegram which carries an urgent message … English contemporary dictionary
message — [ mesaʒ ] n. m. • fin XIe; « envoyé » jusqu au XVe; de l a. fr. mes, lat. missus, p. p. de mittere « envoyer » 1 ♦ Charge de dire, de transmettre qqch. ⇒ ambassade, commission. S acquitter d un message. Ambassadeur chargé d un message. « un… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Urgent Assistance — is the general name of an increasingly common fraudulent spam e mail, also known as an array of names, like New Message! .Existent since at least 2002, the e mail message is generally titled URGENT ASSISTANCE , and asks the Dear Sir/Madam ,… … Wikipedia
Urgent Action Fund-Africa — (UAF Africa) is a Pan African non profit organization (NPO) focused on women s human rights and founded in Nairobi in 2001. UAF Africa is the sister organization of the global NPO [http://www.urgentactionfund.org Urgent Action Fund] . [http://www … Wikipedia
Urgent Call for Unity — The Urgent Call for Unity (German: Dringender Appell für die Einheit) was an appeal by the Internationaler Sozialistischer Kampfbund (ISK) to defeat the Nazis. It was signed by nearly three dozen well known German scientists, authors and artists… … Wikipedia