upstream water

upstream water
верховая вода

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "upstream water" в других словарях:

  • Water resources management in Peru — Source : INRENAtorage capacity and infrastructureIn 1980, INRENA established an inventory of Peru s water storage capacity, including lakes and dams. Peru has 12,201 lakes, 3,896 of which are located in the Pacific basin, 7,441 in the Atlantic… …   Wikipedia

  • Water supply and sanitation in Brazil — has proved to be a resilient and resourceful sector, despite tremendous challenges and persistent inequalities in the sector. A lot has been achieved during the past decades, including a sustained improvement in efficiency and improved access.… …   Wikipedia

  • Water hammer — (or, more generally, fluid hammer) is a pressure surge or wave resulting when a fluid in motion is forced to stop or change direction suddenly (Momentum Change). Water hammer commonly occurs when a valve is closed suddenly at an end of a pipeline …   Wikipedia

  • Water Resources Development Act of 1988 — (WRDA 1988), USPL|100|676, is a public law passed by Congress on November 17, 1988 concerning water resources in the United States in the areas of flood control, navigation, dredging, environment, recreation, water supply, beach nourishment and… …   Wikipedia

  • Water transport in Zambia — Water transport, and the many navigable inland waterways, in Zambia has a long tradition of practical use in Zambia except in parts of the south. Since draught animals such as oxen were not heavily used, water transport was usually the only… …   Wikipedia

  • Water Rights — are one of the interests that may attach to real estate ownership, and pertain to the rights to use adjacent bodies of water. Riparian rights are awarded to land owners whose property is located along a river, stream or lake. Typically,… …   Investment dictionary

  • Water law — This article has been tagged mdash; please see the bottom of the page for more information. Water law is the field of law dealing with the ownership, control, and use of water as a resource. It is most closely related to property law, but has… …   Wikipedia

  • Water supply and sanitation in Bangladesh — Even though the water supply and sanitation sector in Bangladesh is expanding its coverage, it is difficult to keep pace with the rapid population growth. The country used to rely mainly on groundwater, which is why the discovery of arsenic in… …   Wikipedia

  • Water resources — A natural wetland Water resources are sources of water that are useful or potentially useful. Uses of water include agricultural, industrial …   Wikipedia

  • Upstream — In geography, upstream literally means towards the source of a stream or river, or against the normal direction of water flow.Upstream may also refer to:* Molecular biology ** Upstream on DNA, determining relative positions on DNA ** Upstream in… …   Wikipedia

  • upstream — [[t]ʌ̱pstri͟ːm[/t]] ADV: ADV after v, be ADV, n ADV, oft ADV of/from n Something that is moving upstream is moving towards the source of a river, from a point further down the river. Something that is upstream is towards the source of a river.… …   English dictionary

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