upper semicontinuity

upper semicontinuity
мат. полунепрерывность сверху

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "upper semicontinuity" в других словарях:

  • Hemicontinuity — In mathematics, the concept of continuity as it is defined for single valued functions is not immediately extendible to multi valued mappings or correspondences. In order to derive a more generalized definition, the dual concepts of upper… …   Wikipedia

  • Kakutani fixed point theorem — In mathematical analysis, the Kakutani fixed point theorem is a fixed point theorem for set valued functions. It provides sufficient conditions for a set valued function defined on a convex, compact subset of a Euclidean space to have a fixed… …   Wikipedia

  • Semi-continuity — For the notion of upper or lower semicontinuous multivalued function see: Hemicontinuity In mathematical analysis, semi continuity (or semicontinuity) is a property of extended real valued functions that is weaker than continuity. A extended real …   Wikipedia

  • semicontinuous — adjective (of a function) That it is continuous almost everywhere, except at certain points at which it is either upper semi continuous or lower semi continuous. See Also: semicontinuity, hemicontinuous …   Wiktionary

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