upon termination

upon termination

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "upon termination" в других словарях:

  • termination — End in time or existence; close; cessation; conclusion. Perruccio v. Allen, 156 Conn. 282, 240 A.2d 912, 914. Word for purposes of insurance, refers to the expiration of a policy by lapse of the policy. Waynesville Sec. Bank v. Stuyvesant Inc. Co …   Black's law dictionary

  • Termination of employment — is the end of an employee s duration with an employer. Depending on the case, the decision may be made by the employee, the employer, or mutually agreed upon by both.Voluntary terminationVoluntary termination is a decision made by the employee to …   Wikipedia

  • termination event — USA Events specified in Section 5(b) of the ISDA Master Agreement, the occurrence of which with respect to a party permits the other party to terminate the agreement and all transactions under the agreement. Termination events include illegality …   Law dictionary

  • Termination Clause — A section of a swap contract that describes what will happen if the contract is ended early or defaulted on. The termination clause can make the counterparty who is responsible for the default or termination event pay damages to the other… …   Investment dictionary

  • Termination Event — An occurrence that will cause all or part of a swap agreement to be ended early. Possible termination events include legal or regulatory changes that prevent one or both parties from fulfilling the contract terms ( illegality ), the placement of… …   Investment dictionary

  • termination — The action taken by a secured party to end or give up its interest in collateral. For personal property collateral, a termination may be entered into the public record by using a standard form called a UCC 3. American Banker Glossary * * *… …   Financial and business terms

  • Termination of Employment Convention, 1982 — Infobox ILO convention code= C158 name= Termination of Employment Convention, 1982 adopt= June 22, 1982 force= November 23, 1985 classify= Termination of Employment Dismissal subject= Employment security prev= Maintenance of Social Security… …   Wikipedia

  • Termination Date — The day on which a swap contract becomes invalid and no further exchanges will occur. A final payment is made upon a swap s termination. The termination date is also referred to as a swap s expiration date . Unlike futures contracts, swaps are… …   Investment dictionary

  • Indian termination policy — was a policy that the United States Congress implemented in 1950s and 1960s to assimilate the Native Americans (Indians) with mainstream American society, by terminating the government s trusteeship of Indian reservations and making Indians… …   Wikipedia

  • Berwick-upon-Tweed — infobox UK place country = England official name= Berwick upon Tweed scots name= Berwick latitude= 55.771 longitude= 2.007 population = 11,665 (2001 Census) shire district= Berwick upon Tweed shire county = Northumberland region= North East… …   Wikipedia

  • Re the Regulation of Information (Services outside the State for Termination of Pregnancies) Bill — was a 1995 Irish Supreme Court case which established that positive law was superior to natural law in the Irish Constitutional order.BackgroundAbortion is illegal in Ireland, and this illegality was made a constitutional requirement upon the… …   Wikipedia

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