upon my honour
Смотреть что такое "upon my honour" в других словарях:
upon my honour — An appeal to one s honour in support of a statement • • • Main Entry: ↑honour … Useful english dictionary
on (or upon) my honour — used to express sincerity. → honour … English new terms dictionary
honour — n. & v. (US honor) n. 1 high respect; glory; credit, reputation, good name. 2 adherence to what is right or to a conventional standard of conduct. 3 nobleness of mind, magnanimity (honour among thieves). 4 a thing conferred as a distinction, esp … Useful english dictionary
honour — (US honor) noun 1》 great respect or esteem. ↘a feeling of pride and pleasure from being shown respect. ↘a source of esteem. 2》 a clear sense of what is morally right. 3》 a thing conferred as a distinction. ↘(honours) a special… … English new terms dictionary
Honour — • May be defined as the deferential recognition by word or sign of another s worth or station Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Honour Honour … Catholic encyclopedia
Honour — For other uses, see Honour (disambiguation). An illustration of the Burr Hamilton duel of 1804 – Alexander Hamilton defends his honour by accepting Aaron Burr s challenge Honour or honor (see spelling differences; from the Latin word honos,… … Wikipedia
honour — /ˈɒnə / (say onuh) noun 1. high public esteem; fame; glory. 2. credit or reputation for behaviour that is becoming or worthy. 3. a source of credit or distinction: to be an honour to one s family. 4. high respect, as for worth, merit, or rank: to …
Honour of Richmond — The Honour of Richmond was created by Alain Le Roux, son of Eudes, Count of Penthièvre, grandson of Geoffrey I, Duke of Brittany .According to the Honoris Registrum de Richmond: I, William, surnamed the Bastard, do give and grant to thee, Alan,… … Wikipedia
upon — up|on W1S3 [əˈpɔn US əˈpa:n] prep formal [Date: 1100 1200; Origin: up + on] 1.) used to mean on or onto ▪ an honour bestowed upon the association ▪ We are completely dependent upon your help. ▪ Brandon threw him upon the ground. 2.) if a time or… … Dictionary of contemporary English
honour — Honor Hon or ([o^]n [ e]r), n. [OE. honor, honour, onour, onur, OF. honor, onor, honur, onur, honour, onour, F. honneur, fr. L. honor, honos.] [Written also {honour}.] 1. Esteem due or paid to worth; high estimation; respect; consideration;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
honour — 1. noun /ˈɒnə,ˈɑnɚ/ a) High rank or respect. Book 60, 1 Peter, 002:004 : Come to Him, the ever living Stone, rejected indeed by men as worthless, but in Gods esteem chosen and held in honour. b) Dignity; reputation as a good person. His honour is … Wiktionary