Смотреть что такое "upmarket" в других словарях:
Upmarket — (or high end) commodities are products, services or real estate targeted at high income consumers. Examples of products would include items from Mercedes Benz, Hammacher Schlemmer, and Chanel. Upmarket real estate communities include Hampstead,… … Wikipedia
upmarket — an adjective and adverb denoting the superior end of the market, dates from the early 1970s, which is surprisingly recent for so familiar a term. See also downmarket … Modern English usage
upmarket — ► ADJECTIVE & ADVERB chiefly Brit. ▪ towards or relating to the more expensive or affluent sector of the market … English terms dictionary
upmarket — [up′mär′kit] adj. UPSCALE … English World dictionary
upmarket — ▪ I. upmarket up‧mar‧ket 1 [ˌʌpˈmɑːkt◂ ǁ ɑːr ] also ˈup scale adjective MARKETING involving goods and services that are expensive and perhaps of good quality compared to other goods etc of the same type, or the people that buy them: • an… … Financial and business terms
upmarket — [[t]ʌ̱pmɑ͟ː(r)kɪt[/t]] also up market ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n Upmarket products or services are expensive, of good quality, and intended to appeal to people in a high social class. [mainly BRIT] Anne chose an upmarket agency aimed at professional… … English dictionary
upmarket — UK [ʌpˈmɑː(r)kɪt] / US [ˈʌpˌmɑrkət] adjective upmarket services or goods are designed for people who have a lot of money upmarket shops/restaurants/hotels Derived word: upmarket UK / US adverb The firm s image has gone upmarket … English dictionary
upmarket — up|mar|ket [ˌʌpˈma:kıt US a:r ] adj especially BrE designed for or used by people who have a lot of money →↑downmarket ▪ an upmarket restaurant move/go upmarket ▪ a brand that s moved upmarket (=it is trying to attract richer people) … Dictionary of contemporary English
Upmarket — Haut de gamme Pour l’article homonyme, voir Audio de haute gamme. Les marchandises de haut de gamme sont des produits, services ou biens immobiliers qui ciblent les consommateurs aux revenus élevés ; ils sont en partie supérieure … Wikipédia en Français
upmarket — /up mahr kit/, adj. 1. appealing or catering to high income consumers; of high quality; not easily affordable or accessible: upmarket fashions. adv. 2. in an upmarket way. [1970 75; UP + MARKET] * * * … Universalium
upmarket — adjective Date: 1972 upscale • upmarket adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary