up load

up load
вертикальная нагрузка, действующая вверх

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "up load" в других словарях:

  • Load balancing (computing) — Load balancing is a computer networking methodology to distribute workload across multiple computers or a computer cluster, network links, central processing units, disk drives, or other resources, to achieve optimal resource utilization,… …   Wikipedia

  • Load regulation — is the capability to maintain a constant voltage (or current) level on the output channel of a power supply despite changes in load [cite web|title=Line and Load Regulation for Programmable DC Power Supplies and Precision DC Sources Developer… …   Wikipedia

  • Load Average — Load bezeichnet die momentan laufenden oder auf bestimmte Ereignisse wartenden Prozesse auf einem Computersystem. Man spricht dabei davon, dass „der Rechner einen Load von X hat“ (wobei X eine reelle Zahl größer gleich null ist). Sie wird… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Load — bezeichnet die momentan laufenden oder auf bestimmte Ereignisse wartenden Prozesse auf einem Computersystem. Man spricht dabei davon, dass „der Rechner einen Load von X hat“ (wobei X eine positive Zahl ist). Sie wird landläufig mit der Auslastung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Load factor (aerodynamics) — Load factor is the ratio of the lift on an aircraft to the weight of the aircraft.Clancy, L.J., Aerodynamics , section 5.22] Hurt, H.H., Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators , page 37] The load factor is expressed in multiples of g where one g… …   Wikipedia

  • Load management — is the process of balancing the supply of electricity on the network with the electrical load.Electrical energy is a form of Energy that cannot be stored. It can however be traded as a commodity. It must be generated, shipped to the point where… …   Wikipedia

  • Load testing — is the process of creating demand on a system or device and measuring its response.In mechanical systems it refers to the testing of a system to certify it under the appropriate regulations (LOLER in the UK Lifting Operations and Lifting… …   Wikipedia

  • Load Records discography — Load Records is an independent record label based out of Providence, Rhode Island, specializing in noise and experimental music. Load Records was started in 1993 by Ben McOsker in order to release a 7 inch record for the band Boss Fuel. The label …   Wikipedia

  • Load — Студийный альбом Metallica …   Википедия

  • Load — (l[=o]d), n. [OE. lode load, way; properly the same word as lode, but confused with lade, load, v. See {Lade}, {Lead}, v., {Lode}.] 1. A burden; that which is laid on or put in anything for conveyance; that which is borne or sustained; a weight;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Load line — Load Load (l[=o]d), n. [OE. lode load, way; properly the same word as lode, but confused with lade, load, v. See {Lade}, {Lead}, v., {Lode}.] 1. A burden; that which is laid on or put in anything for conveyance; that which is borne or sustained;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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