Смотреть что такое "unwashed" в других словарях:
unwashed — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not washed. ● the (great) unwashed Cf. ↑the unwashed … English terms dictionary
unwashed — [un wôsht′, unwäsht′] adj. not washed; dirty, soiled, etc. the (great) unwashed the common people; the masses: originally a patronizing or contemptuous use, now usually ironic in application, with reference to elitism … English World dictionary
Unwashed — Un*washed , a. Not washed or cleansed; filthy; unclean. [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unwashed — late 14c., from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + pp. of WASH (Cf. wash) (v.). Noun sense of the lower class is attested from 1830 … Etymology dictionary
unwashed — [[t]ʌ̱nwɒ̱ʃt[/t]] 1) ADJ Unwashed people or objects are dirty and need to be washed. They looked pale and unhealthy, with unwashed hair and sunken cheeks... Leftover food and unwashed dishes cover the dirty counters. Syn: grubby 2) PHRASE The… … English dictionary
unwashed — /un wosht , wawsht /, adj. 1. not cleaned or purified by or as if by washing: unwashed dishes; the unwashed soul of a sinner. 2. pertaining to or characteristic of the common people; untutored, unsophisticated, or ignorant; plebeian: the power of … Universalium
unwashed — I. adjective Date: 13th century 1. not cleaned with or as if with soap and water 2. ignorant, plebeian < the unwashed masses > • unwashedness noun II. noun Date: 1830 an ignorant or underprivile … New Collegiate Dictionary
unwashed — un|washed [ˌʌnˈwɔʃt US ˈwo:ʃt, ˈwa:ʃt] adj 1.) dirty and needing to be washed ▪ unwashed cups 2.) the great unwashed humorous people who are poor and have not been educated … Dictionary of contemporary English
unwashed — un|washed [ ʌn waʃt ] adjective not washed or clean: There was a pile of unwashed dishes in the sink. the (great) unwashed INFORMAL an insulting or humorous word for people from low social classes … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
unwashed — UK [ʌnˈwɒʃt] / US [ʌnˈwɑʃt] adjective not washed or clean There was a pile of unwashed dishes in the sink. • the (great) unwashed informal an offensive or humorous word for people from low social classes … English dictionary
unwashed — adj. Unwashed is used with these nouns: ↑dish, ↑hand … Collocations dictionary