- unvexed
- нерассерженный, нераздраженный невстревоженный, спокойный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
unvexed — index complacent, patient Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
unvexed — [spelling only] … English World dictionary
unvexed — adj. * * * … Universalium
unvexed — adj. not annoyed, not irritated … English contemporary dictionary
unvexed — un·vexed … English syllables
unvexed — “+ adjective Etymology: Middle English unvext, from un (I) + vext, past participle of vex : free from disturbance : calm, serene … Useful english dictionary
Siege of Vicksburg — As the Union forces approached Vicksburg, Pemberton could put only 18,500 troops in his lines. Grant had over 35,000, with more on the way. However, Pemberton had the advantage of terrain and fortifications that made his defense nearly… … Wikipedia
Vicksburg Campaign — Lithograph of the Mississippi River Squadron running the Confederate blockade at Vicksburg on April 16, 1863 … Wikipedia
Anaconda Plan — The Anaconda Plan is the name widely applied to an outline strategy for subduing the seceding states in the American Civil War. Proposed by General in Chief Winfield Scott, the plan emphasized the blockade of the Southern ports, and called for an … Wikipedia
Ed Bearss — Edwin Cole Bearss (born June 26, 1923), a U.S. Marine Corps veteran of World War II, is a military historian and author known for his work on the American Civil War and World War II eras and is a popular tour guide of historic battlefields. He… … Wikipedia
USS Pittsburgh (1861) — (often Pittsburg ) was a City class ironclad gunboat constructed for the Union Navy by James B. Eads during the American Civil War. She was commissioned in January 1862, Lt. Egbert Thompson in command.Joining Flag Officer Andrew H. Foote’s… … Wikipedia