- unusual punishment
- необычное наказание (в некоторых странах запрещены законом)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
unusual punishment — See corporal punishment punishment (cruel and unusual punishment) … Black's law dictionary
unusual punishment — See cruel and unusual punishment … Ballentine's law dictionary
cruel and unusual punishment — cru·el and un·usu·al punishment n: punishment that is offensive to the contemporary morality or jurisprudence (as by being degrading, inflicting unnecessary and intentional pain, or being disproportionate to the offense) nor cruel and unusual… … Law dictionary
Cruel and unusual punishment — Criminal procedure Criminal trials and convictions … Wikipedia
cruel and unusual punishment — Excessive, inhuman, or barbarous penalties. 21 Am J2d Crim L § 611. As the words unusual punishment are used in the United States constitution, they include that class of punishments which never existed in the state, and any punishment which if… … Ballentine's law dictionary
cruel and unusual punishment — noun punishment prohibited by the 8th amendment to the U.S. Constitution; includes torture or degradation or punishment too severe for the crime committed • Hypernyms: ↑punishment, ↑penalty, ↑penalization, ↑penalisation * * * noun : punishment to … Useful english dictionary
punishment — pun·ish·ment n 1: the act of punishing 2: a penalty (as a fine or imprisonment) inflicted on an offender through the judicial and esp. criminal process see also cruel and unusual punishment Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster … Law dictionary
cruel and unusual punishment — See corporal punishment punishment … Black's law dictionary
cruel and unusual punishment — See corporal punishment punishment … Black's law dictionary
unusual — I adjective aberrant, abnormal, alien, amazing, anomalous, astonishing, astounding, atypical, bizarre, choice, conspicuous, curious, different, distinctive, distinguished, exceptional, extraordinary, extreme, fantastic, fresh, important,… … Law dictionary
punishment — Any fine, penalty, or confinement inflicted upon a person by the authority of the law and the judgment and sentence of a court, for some crime or offense committed by him, or for his omission of a duty enjoined by law. A deprivation of property… … Black's law dictionary