untapped — UK US /ʌnˈtæpt/ adjective ► if the supply of something valuable is untapped, it has not started to be used: »There is a wealth of untapped demand for their products. »He sees a huge untapped market for cutting edge green exports. »The Gulf of… … Financial and business terms
untapped — 1775, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) “not” + pp. of TAP (Cf. tap) (v.). Figurative use from c.1890 … Etymology dictionary
untapped — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of a resource) not yet exploited or used … English terms dictionary
untapped — [spelling only] … English World dictionary
untapped — un|tapped [ˌʌnˈtæpt] adj an untapped supply, market, or ↑talent is available but has not yet been used ▪ Older people are an untapped resource in the employment market. ▪ We believe there is untapped potential … Dictionary of contemporary English
untapped — [[t]ʌ̱ntæ̱pt[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n An untapped supply or source of something has not yet been used. Mongolia, although poor, has considerable untapped resources of oil and minerals... There is enormous, acknowledged and untapped potential in the… … English dictionary
untapped — adjective Date: 1779 1. not subjected to tapping < an untapped keg > 2. not drawn upon or utilized < as yet untapped markets > … New Collegiate Dictionary
untapped — /ʌnˈtæpt / (say un tapt) adjective 1. not drawn on, as resources, potentialities, etc.: an untapped fund of money; untapped enthusiasm. 2. not tapped …
untapped — adj. Untapped is used with these nouns: ↑potential, ↑reserve, ↑resource … Collocations dictionary
untapped — un|tapped [ ,ʌn tæpt ] adjective not being used yet, but existing in large amounts that could bring profits or benefits: The oil reserves in this area remain largely untapped … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
untapped — adjective an untapped resource 1, market etc has not yet been used … Longman dictionary of contemporary English