untanned leather
Смотреть что такое "untanned leather" в других словарях:
Leather production processes — The leather manufacturing process is divided into 3 fundamental sub processes: preparatory stages, tanning and crusting. All true leathers will undergo these sub processes. A further sub process, surface coating can be added into the leather… … Wikipedia
untanned — adjective 1》 not tanned by exposure to the sun. 2》 not converted into leather by tanning … English new terms dictionary
shoe — shoeless, adj. /shooh/, n., pl. shoes, (esp. Brit. Dial.) shoon; v., shod or shoed, shod or shoed or shodden, shoeing. n. 1. an external covering for the human foot, usually of leather and consisting of a more or less stiff or heavy sole and a… … Universalium
Tzaraath — Part of Judaic series of articles on Ritual purity in Judaism … Wikipedia
Shagreen — is a type of roughened untanned leather, formerly made from a horse s back, or that of an onager (wild ass), and typically dyed green. Shagreen is now commonly made of the skins of sharks and rays. The word derives from the French chagrin… … Wikipedia
Cowhide — Cow hide ( h?d ), n. 1. The hide of a cow. [1913 Webster] 2. Leather made of the hide of a cow. [1913 Webster] 3. A coarse whip made of untanned leather. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Brogues — Brogues, often known as wingtips in the United States, are low heeled shoes made of heavy leather, originating in Scotland and Ireland as a coarse, usually untanned leather shoe. The term wingtip derives from the toe cap pattern, which forms a W… … Wikipedia
rawhide — n. untanned leather, unprocessed animal hide; whip or lash made from unprocessed leather … English contemporary dictionary
rawhides — n. untanned leather, unprocessed animal hide; whip or lash made from unprocessed leather … English contemporary dictionary
brogue — brogue1 noun a strong outdoor shoe with ornamental perforated patterns in the leather. ↘a rough shoe of untanned leather, formerly worn in Ireland and the Scottish Highlands. Origin C16: from Sc. Gaelic and Ir. bróg, from ON brók (rel. to breech) … English new terms dictionary
peronate — pəˈrōnə̇t, ˈperəˌnāt adjective Etymology: Latin peronatus having boots of untanned leather, from peron , pero hide boot (probably from pera leather sack, pouch, from Greek pēra) + atus ate : having a mealy or woolly covering resembling a boot or… … Useful english dictionary