
ˈʌnˈstʌk прил.
1) отклеенный (о конверте и т. п.)
2) выяснившийся, проявившийся;
провалившийся come unstuck (разговорное) провалившийся, потерпевший крушение - to come * попасть в беду, оказаться в затруднительном положении - their plans came * их планы провалились открыться, освободиться (о чем-л. заклинившемся) - when firmly pushed the door became * от сильного толчка заклинившаяся дверь открылась отклеившийся;
расклеившийся - the flap of the envelopes has come * конверт расклеился past и р.р. от unstick ~ отклеенный (о конверте и т. п.) ;
our plan has come unstuck разг. наш план не удался unstuck past & p. p. от unstick ~ отклеенный (о конверте и т. п.) ;
our plan has come unstuck разг. наш план не удался

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "unstuck" в других словарях:

  • unstuck — [unstuk′] vt. pt. & pp. of UNSTICK adj. loosened or freed from being stuck come unstuck Informal to fail, go wrong, break down, etc …   English World dictionary

  • unstuck — [[t]ʌnstʌ̱k[/t]] 1) PHRASE: V inflects If something comes unstuck, it becomes separated from the thing that it was attached to. The brown vinyl covering all the horizontal surfaces is coming unstuck in several places. 2) PHRASE: V inflects To… …   English dictionary

  • unstuck — adj. ruined (slang) to come unstuck (the whole scheme came unstuck) * * * [ʌn stʌk] [ ruined ] (slang) to come unstuck (the whole scheme came unstuck) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • unstuck — un|stuck [ˌʌnˈstʌk] adj come unstuck a) BrE informal if a person, plan, or system comes unstuck, they fail at what they were trying to achieve ▪ a dangerous area of rock where many climbers come unstuck b) if something comes unstuck, it becomes… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • unstuck — un|stuck [ ʌn stʌk ] adjective come unstuck 1. ) INFORMAL if something such as a plan or system comes unstuck, it fails 2. ) if something comes unstuck, it becomes separated from something that it was stuck to …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • unstuck — adjective come unstuck a) if something comes unstuck, it becomes separated from something that it was stuck to b) BrE informal if someone comes unstuck, something that they are doing start to go wrong …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • unstuck — /un stuk /, adj. 1. freed or loosened from being fastened or stuck: When firmly pushed, the door became unstuck. 2. out of order, control, or coherence; undone: Their well laid plans came unstuck under pressure. [UN 1 + STUCK] * * * …   Universalium

  • unstuck — adjective Date: 1911 brought into a state of disarray, discomposure, or incoherence < the deal came unstuck > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • unstuck — past and past participle of unstick. Phrases come (or get) unstuck informal fail …   English new terms dictionary

  • unstuck — UK [ʌnˈstʌk] / US adjective come unstuck …   English dictionary

  • unstuck — [ʌnˈstʌk] adj come unstuck informal to fail[/ex] …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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