
ˈʌnˈsaund прил.
1) нездоровый, болезненный;
испорченный of unsound mindсумасшедший, душевнобольной
2) необоснованный, ошибочный
3) ненадежный;
неглубокий (о сне)
4) тех. дефектный нездоровый, слабый - * lungs слабые легкие испорченный, гнилой - * fruit гнилые фрукты некрепкий, неглубокий, беспокойный (о сне) ненормальный, психически больной - of * mind душевнобольной необоснованный;
ошибочный - * arguments необоснованные доводы - * opinion ошибочное мнение - * principles ложные принципы - theory that is fundamentally * теория, порочная в самой своей основе ненадежный (техническое) порочный, дефектный unsound тех. дефектный ~ испорченный, гнилой ~ неглубокий (сон) ~ недоброкачественный ~ нездоровый, больной;
of unsound mind сумасшедший, душевнобольной ~ ненадежный ~ необоснованный, ошибочный;
unsound arguments необоснованные доводы ~ необоснованный, ошибочный;
unsound arguments необоснованные доводы

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "unsound" в других словарях:

  • unsound — un·sound /ˌən sau̇nd/ adj: not sound: as a: not healthy or whole b: not mentally normal: not wholly sane of unsound mind c: not firmly made, placed, or fixed d: not valid or true …   Law dictionary

  • Unsound — Un*sound , a. Not sound; not whole; not solid; defective; infirm; diseased. [1913 Webster] {Un*sound ly}, adv. {Un*sound ness}, n. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • unsound — early 14c., of persons, diseased, wounded, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + SOUND (Cf. sound) (adj.). Cf. M.L.G. unsund, M.Du. ongesont, Ger. ungesund. Meaning morally corrupt is recorded from c.1300; that of not mentally healthy is from 1540s. Sense… …   Etymology dictionary

  • unsound — [adj] not well; flimsy ailing, crazed, dangerous, decrepit, defective, delicate, demented, deranged, diseased, erroneous, fallacious, false, faulty, flawed, fragile, frail, ill, illogical, inaccurate, incongruous, incorrect, infirm, in poor… …   New thesaurus

  • unsound — ► ADJECTIVE 1) not safe or robust; in poor condition. 2) not based on sound evidence or reasoning; unreliable or unacceptable. DERIVATIVES unsoundness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • unsound — [un sound′] adj. not sound or free from defect; specif., a) not normal or healthy physically or mentally b) not safe, firm, or solid; insecure c) not safe and secure financially d) not based on truth or valid reasoning; not accurate, reliable,… …   English World dictionary

  • unsound — [[t]ʌ̱nsa͟ʊnd[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ If a conclusion or method is unsound, it is based on ideas that are wrong. The thinking is good hearted, but muddled and fundamentally unsound... The national tests were educationally unsound. Ant …   English dictionary

  • unsound — un|sound [ˌʌnˈsaund] adj 1.) not based on facts or good reasons ideologically/scientifically/ecologically etc unsound ▪ a test that s scientifically unsound 2.) an unsound building or structure is in bad condition ▪ The houses are structurally… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • unsound — un|sound [ ,ʌn saund ] adjective 1. ) not based on sensible ideas: unsound reasoning 2. ) not safe: environmentally unsound conditions buildings that are structurally unsound a ) used about things that involve a lot of risk: unsound investments… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • unsound — UK [ʌnˈsaʊnd] / US [ˌʌnˈsaʊnd] adjective 1) a) not safe environmentally unsound conditions buildings that are structurally unsound b) used about things that involve a lot of risk unsound investments 2) not based on sensible ideas unsound… …   English dictionary

  • unsound — adjective Date: 14th century not sound: as a. not healthy or whole < an unsound horse > b. not mentally normal ; not wholly sane < of unsound mind > c. not firmly made, placed, or fixed < structurally unsound > d. not valid or true …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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