Смотреть что такое "unsmooth" в других словарях:
unsmooth — /ʌnˈsmuð/ (say un smoohdh) adjective 1. not smooth. –verb (t) 2. to render unsmooth …
unsmooth — adjective having or caused by an irregular surface trees with rough bark rough ground rough skin rough blankets his unsmooth face • Syn: ↑rough • Ant: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
unsmooth — adj.; unsmoothly, adv.; unsmoothness, n. * * * … Universalium
unsmooth — adjective Not smooth; rough. Ant: smooth … Wiktionary
unsmooth — Synonyms and related words: asperous, broken, bumpy, choppy, coarse, coarse grained, corrugated, craggy, cross grained, grainy, granulated, harsh, homespun, horripilant, inequal, irregular, jagged, jolty, linsey woolsey, pimply, pitted, pocky,… … Moby Thesaurus
unsmooth — un·smooth … English syllables
Exact sciences (The) in Hellenistic times: texts and issues — The exact sciences in Hellenistic times: Texts and issues1 Alan C.Bowen Modern scholars often rely on the history of Greco Latin science2 as a backdrop and support for interpreting past philosophical thought. Their warrant is the practice… … History of philosophy
Deprostrate — De*pros trate, a. Fully prostrate; humble; low; rude. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] How may weak mortal ever hope to file His unsmooth tongue, and his deprostrate style. G. Fletcher. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Refresh rate — The refresh rate (most commonly the vertical refresh rate , vertical scan rate for CRTs) is the number of times in a second that display hardware draws the data it is being given. This is distinct from the measure of frame rate in that the… … Wikipedia
Spatial anti-aliasing — In digital signal processing, spatial anti aliasing is the technique of minimizing the distortion artifacts known as aliasing when representing a high resolution image at a lower resolution. Anti aliasing is used in digital photography, computer… … Wikipedia
broken — Synonyms and related words: aggravated, aloof, ausgespielt, bankrupt, beaten, blasted, blighted, broke, broken off, broken down, brought low, bumpy, burned, burst, busted, capricious, careening, catchy, chastened, checked, chipped, chopped off,… … Moby Thesaurus