- unsifted
- непросеянный нерассмотренный, непроанализированный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
unsifted — [spelling only] … English World dictionary
unsifted — adjective Not having been sifted. If you bake with unsifted flour you dont know how much you are using because it might be packed down or very fluffy … Wiktionary
unsifted — adj. * * * … Universalium
unsifted — adj. not sifted, unstrained, unfiltered … English contemporary dictionary
unsifted — un·sifted … English syllables
unsifted — un•sift′ed adj … From formal English to slang
unsifted — /ʌnˈsɪftəd/ (say un siftuhd) adjective not sifted …
unsifted — “+ adjective Etymology: un (I) + sifted, past participle of sift 1. : not passed through a sieve or strainer 2. : not inspected or scrutinized … Useful english dictionary
Theophilus Thistle — is the title of a famous tongue twister, of which there are multiple versions.One version reads as:: Theophilus Thistle, the successful thistle sifter : In sifting a sieve full of unsifted thistles, : Thrust three thousand thistles through the… … Wikipedia
Hannah Swensen Mysteries — are books written by Joanne Fluke. So far in the series there are ten books, but there are still more planned. List of Works # Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder (February 2000) # Strawberry Shortcake Murder (February 2001) # Blueberry Muffin Murder… … Wikipedia
One Fat Hen — (also called One Red Hen or Turtle) is a drinking game. It is based on the difficulty people often have in repeating exactly what the leader says, and the amusing possibilities when they get it wrong.GameplayThe normal mode of play is that the… … Wikipedia