- unshot II
- a не давший ростков
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Unshot — Un*shot , v. t. [1st pref. un + shot.] To remove the shot from, as from a shotted gun; to unload. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Unshot — Un*shot , a. [Pref. un + shot.] Not hit by a shot; also, not discharged or fired off. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unshot — “+ adjective 1. : not shot an unshot gun an unshot arrow 2. : not hit by a shot 3. : not mingled or variegated : not interwoven methods of beef preparation … not unshot with cunning and imagination C.H.Baker … Useful english dictionary
unshot — adjective Not having been shot … Wiktionary
unshot — un·shot … English syllables
Short end — A short end is a partial roll of unexposed film stock which was left over during a motion picture production, and which is kept for use later.Short ends most commonly occur either when the film left in the camera magazine is shorter than the… … Wikipedia
Dick Dastardly — as seen in Wacky Races Created by William Hanna Joseph Barbera Portrayed by … Wikipedia
Galactica 1980 — intro Format Science fiction Created by Glen A. Larson … Wikipedia
Re-can — A re can is a roll of film stock which was originally opened up from a factory sealed can and loaded into a camera magazine by a clapper loader, but remained unshot and thus was unloaded back into a film can unused. A re can will be placed in a… … Wikipedia
Target archery — Modern competitive archery is governed by the International Archery Federation, abbreviated FITA (Fédération Internationale de Tir à l Arc). Olympic rules are derived from FITA rules. FITA is the International Olympic Committee s (IOC) recognized … Wikipedia
Erice, Víctor — b. 1940, San Sebastián Filmmaker and scriptwriter Erice is one of the most respected auteurs in Spanish cinema despite the sparseness of his productions: three films in twenty years. His cinema is characterized by a poetic, introspective… … Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture