Смотреть что такое "unsell" в других словарях:
unsell — “+ transitive verb Etymology: un (II) + sell 1. : to dissuade from a belief in the truth, value, or desirability of something has undertaken to unsell the American people on several debatable ideas … foisted on them R.E.Lauterbach others won t be … Useful english dictionary
unsell — transitive verb (unsold; selling) Date: circa 1929 1. to dissuade from a belief in the truth, value, or desirability of something < ads that unsell the public on energy consumption > 2. to discourage a belief in the truth, value, or desirability… … New Collegiate Dictionary
unsell — /un sel /, v.t., unsold, unselling. to dissuade from a belief in the desirability, value, wisdom, or truth of something: He tried to unsell the public on its faith in rearmament. [1925 30; UN 2 + SELL1] * * * … Universalium
unsell — un·sell … English syllables
unsell — un•sell [[t]ʌnˈsɛl[/t]] v. t. sold, sell•ing to dissuade from a belief in the desirability, value, wisdom, or truth of something • Etymology: 1925–30 … From formal English to slang
Eve Unsell — Infobox actor name = Eve Unsell birthdate = 1887 birthplace = Chicago, Illinois, USA deathdate = 6 July, 1937 deathplace = Hollywood, California, USA othername = Eva Unsell occupation = Screenwriter yearsactive = 1914 1933 imdb id = 0881333Eve… … Wikipedia
Eve Unsell — est une scénariste et monteuse américaine née le c. 1887 à Chicago, Illinois (États Unis), décédée le 6 juillet 1937 à Hollywood (États Unis). Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Filmographie 2 … Wikipédia en Français
unsellable — unsellˈable (↑sellable) adj(1) • • • Main Entry: ↑un … Useful english dictionary
The Tulane Review — Tulane Review is a biannual literary magazine published by the members of the Tulane Literary Society of Tulane University located in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Review consists of submissions of art, poetry, and prose which are chosen by members … Wikipedia
National Register of Historic Places listings in St. Louis County, Missouri — Map of all coordinates from Google Map of all coordinates from Bing … Wikipedia
Partnership for a Drug-Free America — The Partnership for a Drug Free America (PDFA) is a non profit organization that helps parents prevent, intervene in and find treatment for drug and alcohol use by their children. Bringing together renowned scientists, parent experts, and… … Wikipedia