unscrupulous — un‧scru‧pu‧lous [ʌnˈskruːpjləs] adjective behaving in an unfair or dishonest way: • Workers unity is the only force which protects working people against exploitation by unscrupulous employers. unscrupulously adverb * * * unscrupulous UK US… … Financial and business terms
Unscrupulous — Un*scru pu*lous, a. Not scrupulous; unprincipled. {Un*scru pu*lous*ly}, adv. {Un*scru pu*lous*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unscrupulous — I adjective base, conscienceless, corrupt, crooked, deceitful, dishonest, dishonorable, disingenuous, faithless, false, fraudulent, immoral, inequitable, iniquitous, lawless, perfidious, profligate, questionable, roguish, ruthless, shifty, sly,… … Law dictionary
unscrupulous — (adj.) 1803, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + SCRUPULOUS (Cf. scrupulous) … Etymology dictionary
unscrupulous — [adj] immoral arrant, base, casuistic, conscienceless, corrupt, crafty, crooked, deceitful, degraded, degrading, disgraceful, dishonest, dishonorable, exploitative, illegal, improper, low down*, mercenary, perfidious, petty, questionable,… … New thesaurus
unscrupulous — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ without moral scruples. DERIVATIVES unscrupulously adverb unscrupulousness noun … English terms dictionary
unscrupulous — [unskro͞o′pyə ləs] adj. not scrupulous; not restrained by ideas of right and wrong; unprincipled unscrupulously adv. unscrupulousness n … English World dictionary
unscrupulous — adj. 1) unscrupulous in (unscrupulous in his business dealings) 2) unscrupulous to + inf. (it was unscrupulous of their lawyer to withhold evidence) * * * [ʌn skruːpjʊləs] unscrupulous to + inf. (it was unscrupulous of their lawyer to withhold… … Combinatory dictionary
unscrupulous — un•scru•pu•lous [[t]ʌnˈskru pyə ləs[/t]] adj. not scrupulous; not restrained by scruples; unprincipled: unscrupulous business dealings[/ex] • Etymology: 1795–1805 un•scru′pu•lous•ly, adv. un•scru′pu•lous•ness, ˈlɒs ɪ ti n. syn: unscrupulous,… … From formal English to slang
unscrupulous — unscrupulously, adv. unscrupulousness, unscrupulosity /un skrooh pyeuh los i tee/, n. /un skrooh pyeuh leuhs/, adj. not scrupulous; unrestrained by scruples; conscienceless; unprincipled. [1795 1805; UN 1 + SCRUPULOUS] Syn. UNSCRUPULOUS,… … Universalium
unscrupulous — [[t]ʌnskru͟ːpjʊləs[/t]] ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe a person as unscrupulous, you are critical of the fact that they are prepared to act in a dishonest or immoral way in order to get what they want. These kids are being exploited by… … English dictionary