unruly hair
Смотреть что такое "unruly hair" в других словарях:
hair — n. 1) to brush; comb hair 2) to backcomb (BE), tease (AE); braid; do; set; style hair 3) to cut; trim hair 4) to shampoo, wash hair 5) to color; dye; tint hair 6) to part one s hair (he parts his hair in the middle, and I part mine on the side)… … Combinatory dictionary
unruly — [[t]ʌnru͟ːli[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED If you describe people, especially children, as unruly, you mean that they behave badly and are difficult to control. It s not good enough just to blame the unruly children. ...unruly behaviour. Syn: uncontrollable … English dictionary
unruly — unruliness, n. /un rooh lee/, adj., unrulier, unruliest. not submissive or conforming to rule; ungovernable; turbulent; intractable; refractory; lawless: an unruly class; an unruly wilderness. [1350 1400; ME unruely, equiv. to un UN 1 + ruly,… … Universalium
unruly — adjective (unrulier; est) Etymology: Middle English unreuly, from un + reuly disciplined, from reule rule Date: 15th century not readily ruled, disciplined, or managed < an unruly crowd > < a mane of unruly hair > • unruliness noun Synony … New Collegiate Dictionary
unruly — UK [ʌnˈruːlɪ] / US [ʌnˈrulɪ] adjective Word forms unruly : adjective unruly comparative unrulier superlative unruliest very difficult to control unruly children She spent hours trying to tame her unruly hair … English dictionary
unruly — un|ru|ly [ʌnˈru:li] adj [Date: 1400 1500; Origin: ruly behaving well (15 21 centuries), from rule] 1.) violent or difficult to control = ↑wild ▪ unruly children ▪ unruly behaviour 2.) unruly hair is difficult to keep tidy >unruliness n [U] … Dictionary of contemporary English
unruly — un|ru|ly [ ʌn ruli ] adjective very difficult to control: unruly children She spent hours trying to tame her unruly hair … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
unruly — adjective 1 behaving in an uncontrolled or violent way: unruly children 2 unruly hair is untidy unruliness noun (U) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
hair — do’s and dont’s have been a tricky subject in Chinese culture ever since the Manchu conquest in 1644. It has been observed by many writers and scholars that the transition from late imperial to modernity was, for many Chinese who lived at the… … Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture
Hair removal — For hair loss, see Alopecia. Not to be confused with Unhairing. Sample distribution of body hair in women and men … Wikipedia
hair — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ auburn, black, blond, brown, chestnut, dark, fair, ginger (BrE), golden, grey/gray, grizzled … Collocations dictionary