unrelated statements

unrelated statements
мат. несвязанные высказывания

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "unrelated statements" в других словарях:

  • LITERATURE, JEWISH — Literature on Jewish themes and in languages regarded as Jewish has been written continuously for the past 3,000 years. What the term Jewish literature encompasses, however, demands definition, since Jews have lived in so many countries and have… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Talmud and Midrash — ▪ Judaism Introduction       commentative and interpretative writings that hold a place in the Jewish religious tradition second only to the Bible (Old Testament). Definition of terms       The Hebrew term Talmud (“study” or “learning”) commonly… …   Universalium

  • Krishnaism — Krishnaism, is a term that is often used to describe a number of Hindu religious traditions, that are among the Hindu denominations centered on devotion to Radha Krishna or other forms of Krishna, or Vishnu in a sentiment of Krishna. [… …   Wikipedia

  • Cul de Sac (comic strip) — Cul de Sac Cul de Sac (February 5, 2008) Author(s) Richard Thompson Website …   Wikipedia

  • Svayam Bhagavan — This article is about a Hindu philosophical concept: the original or absolute manifestation of God. For other meanings, see Krishna (disambiguation) and Bhagavan (disambiguation). Svayam Bhagavan (IAST IAST|svayam bhagavān ), The Lord or Lord… …   Wikipedia

  • Wikipedia:Featured article candidates — Here, we determine which articles are to be featured articles (FAs). FAs exemplify Wikipedia s very best work and satisfy the FA criteria. All editors are welcome to review nominations; please see the review FAQ. Before nominating an article,… …   Wikipedia

  • Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 — The Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 (CFMA) is United States federal legislation that officially ensured the deregulation of financial products known as over the counter derivatives. It was signed into law on December 21, 2000 by… …   Wikipedia

  • Senate Report on Pre-war Intelligence on Iraq — The Senate Report on Iraqi WMD Intelligence (formally, the Report of the Select Committee on Intelligence on the U.S. Intelligence Community s Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq ) was the report by the United States Senate Select Committee… …   Wikipedia

  • Alaska Public Safety Commissioner dismissal — The Alaska Public Safety Commissioner dismissal, also known as Troopergate,[1] involves the July 2008 dismissal of the Public Safety Commissioner for the State of Alaska by Governor Sarah Palin. On October 10, 2008, the twelve member Alaska… …   Wikipedia

  • ethics — /eth iks/, n.pl. 1. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) a system of moral principles: the ethics of a culture. 2. the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group, culture, etc.: medical ethics;… …   Universalium

  • Criticism of the Latter Day Saint movement — encompasses criticism of the doctrines, practices, and histories of the denominations of the Latter Day Saint movement, including the largest denomination, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints (LDS Church). The movement has been the… …   Wikipedia

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