Unregenerate — Un re*gen er*ate, Unregenerated Un re*gen er*a ted, a. Not regenerated; not renewed in heart; remaining or being at enmity with God. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unregenerate — index lascivious, lecherous, profligate (corrupt), remorseless, reprobate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
unregenerate — (adj.) 1610s, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + REGENERATE (Cf. regenerate) (adj.) … Etymology dictionary
unregenerate — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not reforming or showing repentance; obstinately wrong or bad … English terms dictionary
unregenerate — [un΄ri jen′ər it] adj. 1. not regenerate; not spiritually reborn or converted 2. not converted to a particular belief, viewpoint, etc. 3. recalcitrant or obstinate: Also unregenerated unregenerately adv … English World dictionary
Unregenerate! — Bigfinishbox title=Unregenerate! series=Doctor Who number=70 featuring=Seventh Doctor Mel writer=David A. McIntee director=John Ainsworth producer=Gary Russell Jason Haigh Ellery executive producer=none listed production code=7DA set between=… … Wikipedia
unregenerate — adjective Date: 1589 1. not regenerate < the unregenerate condition of humanity > < unregenerate pagans > 2. a. not reformed ; unreconstructed < unregenerate liberals > < unregenerate Confederates > … New Collegiate Dictionary
unregenerate — unregeneracy /un ri jen euhr euh see/, n. unregenerately, adv. /un ri jen euhr it/, adj. Also, unregenerated /un ri jen euh ray tid/. 1. not regenerate; not renewed in heart and mind or reborn in spirit; unrepentant: an unregenerate sinner. 2.… … Universalium
unregenerate — un•re•gen•er•ate [[t]ˌʌn rɪˈdʒɛn ər ɪt[/t]] adj. Also, un re•gen′er•at ed [[t] əˌreɪ tɪd[/t]] 1) not regenerate; unrepentant: an unregenerate sinner[/ex] 2) unconvinced by or unconverted to a particular religion, sect, or movement 3) opposing new … From formal English to slang
unregenerate — adjective a) which cannot be transformed in mind and spirit The unregenerate human state. b) stubborn … Wiktionary
unregenerate — adjective formal making no attempt to change your bad habits or bad behaviour: an unregenerate liar … Longman dictionary of contemporary English