unoccupied time
Смотреть что такое "unoccupied time" в других словарях:
time — I. n. 1. Duration. 2. Spell, season, interval, term, while, span, space of time. 3. Period, age, era, epoch, date, term. 4. Delivery, parturition, confinement, hour of travail, period of childbirth. 5. Fit season, proper time, opportunity, season … New dictionary of synonyms
unoccupied — [[t]ʌ̱nɒ̱kjʊpaɪd[/t]] ADJ: v link ADJ, ADJ n, ADJ after v If a building is unoccupied, there is nobody in it. The house was unoccupied at the time of the explosion... The fire broke out in two unoccupied cabins … English dictionary
unoccupied — adjective 1) an unoccupied house Syn: vacant, empty, uninhabited, unlived in, untenanted, abandoned; free, available Ant: inhabited 2) an unoccupied territory Syn … Thesaurus of popular words
Places in the Wheel of Time series — This article is about the countries, cities, towns, and other important locations in Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time fantasy fiction series. With the publication in 1997 of The World of Robert Jordan s The Wheel of Time (often called World ),… … Wikipedia
Wheel of Time locations — A map of the Lands between the Mountains of Dhoom, the Aryth Ocean, the Sea of Storms and the Spine of the World. This article is about countries, cities, towns, and other important locations in Robert Jordan s The Wheel of Time fantasy fiction… … Wikipedia
Andor (Wheel of Time) — For information about the fictional planet Andor or Andoria in the Star Trek universe, see Andor .Andor is a country set in Robert Jordan s The Wheel of Time series of fantasy fiction novels. Andor is the strongest single country in the Westlands … Wikipedia
have time on one's hands — be unoccupied, have nothing to do … English contemporary dictionary
leisure — /ˈlɛʒə / (say lezhuh) noun 1. the condition of having one s time free from the demands of work or duty; ease: enjoying a life of leisure. 2. free or unoccupied time. –adjective 3. free or unoccupied: leisure hours. 4. relating to one s time or… …
leisure — [lē′zhər, lezh′ər] n. [ME leiser < OFr leisir, substantive use of inf., to be permitted < L licere < IE base * leik , to offer for sale, bargain] free, unoccupied time during which a person may indulge in rest, recreation, etc. adj. 1.… … English World dictionary
Drop and insert — In a multichannel transmission system, a drop and insert is a process that diverts (drops) a portion of the multiplexed aggregate signal at an intermediate point, and introduces (inserts) a different signal for subsequent transmission in the same … Wikipedia
Council Tax — Taxation An aspect of fiscal policy … Wikipedia