- unnegotiable
- unnegotiable необоротный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
unnegotiable — adj. * * * … Universalium
unnegotiable — adjective Not negotiable … Wiktionary
unnegotiable — (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective Incapable of being used or availed of to advantage: impracticable, impractical, unserviceable, unusable, unworkable, useless. See USED … English dictionary for students
unnegotiable — adj. cannot be negotiated, not subject to negotiations … English contemporary dictionary
unnegotiable — un ne•go′ti•a•ble adj … From formal English to slang
unnegotiable — /ʌnnəˈgoʊʃəbəl/ (say unnuh gohshuhbuhl) adjective not negotiable. –unnegotiability /ʌnnəgoʊʃəˈbɪləti/ (say unnuhgohshuh biluhtee), noun …
unnegotiable — adj … Useful english dictionary
University of Toronto Schools — Infobox School name = University of Toronto schools streetaddress = 371 Bloor Street West city = Toronto province = Ontario postalcode = M5S 2R8 country = Canada coordinates = coord|43|40|1|N|79|24|8|W|display=inline,title schoolboard =… … Wikipedia
Aegean dispute — The term Aegean dispute refers to a set of interrelated controversial issues between Greece and Turkey over sovereignty and related rights in the area of the Aegean Sea. This set of conflicts has had a large effect on the relations between the… … Wikipedia
John Roberts, Jr. (billiards player) — John Roberts Jr. (15 August 1847 ndash; 23 December 1919) was a dominant professional player of English billiards. He was also a notable manufacturer of billiards cues and tables, and promoter of the sport. Early years Roberts Jr. lived in the… … Wikipedia
arctic — arctically, adv. /ahrk tik/ or, esp. for 7, /ahr tik/, adj. 1. (often cap.) of, pertaining to, or located at or near the North Pole: the arctic region. 2. coming from the North Pole or the arctic region: an arctic wind. 3. characteristic of the… … Universalium