
ˈʌnˈmæn гл.
1) лишать(ся) человеческих черт, доводить до звероподобного состояния;
доходить до звероподобного состояния
2) лишать мужественности, мужества, приводить в уныние
3) кастрировать Syn : castrate, geld
4) оставить без людей, оголить лишать мужественности, мужества;
приводить в уныние - he was quite *ned by the terrible news ужасное известие совершенно лишило его мужества кастрировать лишать личного состава - to * a ship распустить команду судна unman кастрировать ~ лишать мужественности, мужества ~ оставить без людей, оголить

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "unman" в других словарях:

  • Unman — Un*man , v. t. [1st pref. un + man.] [1913 Webster] 1. To deprive of the distinctive qualities of a human being, as reason, or the like. [R.] South. [1913 Webster] 2. To emasculate; to deprive of virility. [1913 Webster] 3. To deprive of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • unman — [unman′] vt. unmanned, unmanning 1. to deprive of manly courage, nerve, self confidence, etc. 2. to emasculate; castrate 3. to deprive of men or personnel: now usually in the pp.: cf. UNMANNED SYN. UNNERVE …   English World dictionary

  • unman — (v.) 1590s, to deprive of the attributes of a human being, from UN (Cf. un ) (2) + verbal derivative of MAN (Cf. man) (n.). Meaning to deprive of manly courage is attested from c.1600; that of to emasculate is from 1680s …   Etymology dictionary

  • unman — *unnerve, emasculate, enervate Analogous words: sap, undermine, *weaken, enfeeble, debilitate: *abase, degrade: *deplete, drain, exhaust, impoverish, bankrupt …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • unman — ► VERB (unmanned, unmanning) literary ▪ deprive of manly qualities such as self control or courage …   English terms dictionary

  • unman — /ʌnˈmæn / (say un man) verb (t) (unmanned, unmanning) 1. to deprive of the character or qualities of a man. 2. Obsolete to deprive of virility; emasculate. 3. to deprive of manly courage or fortitude; break down the manly spirit of. 4. to deprive …  

  • Unman, Wittering and Zigo — is a 1958 radio play by the British writer Giles Cooper. Written to put across Cooper s dislike of the public schools system in place at the time, the play is based around a school where a master has just been killed. The main character is the… …   Wikipedia

  • unman — transitive verb Date: circa 1600 1. to deprive of manly vigor, fortitude, or spirit 2. castrate, emasculate Synonyms: see unnerve …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • unman — /un man /, v.t., unmanned, unmanning. 1. to deprive of courage or fortitude; break down the manly spirit of: Constant conflict finally unmanned him. 2. to deprive of virility; emasculate; castrate. [1590 1600; UN 2 + MAN1] * * * …   Universalium

  • unman — verb a) To castrate; to remove ones manhood. His fear unmanned him. b) To sap the strength, whether physical or emotional, required to deal with a situation …   Wiktionary

  • unman — Synonyms and related words: abase, abate, affright, alarm, attenuate, beat down, bend, blunt, break, break down, bring low, bring to terms, browbeat, bulldoze, bully, castrate, clamp down on, coerce, compel, conquer, cow, cramp, cripple, crush,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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