unlearned — [unlʉr′nid; ] for 2 [, unlʉrnd′] adj. 1. a) not learned or educated; ignorant b) showing a lack of learning or education 2. a) not learned [unlearned lessons] b) known or acquired without conscious study … English World dictionary
Unlearned — Un*learn ed, a. [Pref. un + learned.] 1. Not learned; untaught; uneducated; ignorant; illiterate. [1913 Webster] 2. Not gained by study; not known. [1913 Webster] 3. Not exhibiting learning; as, unlearned verses. [1913 Webster] {Un*learn ed*ly},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unlearned — Ⅰ. unlearned [1] ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not well educated. Ⅱ. unlearned [2] (also unlearnt) ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not having been learned … English terms dictionary
unlearned — index jejune (lacking maturity), unversed Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
unlearned — *ignorant, illiterate, unlettered, uneducated, untaught, untutored Analogous words: crude, *rude, rough, raw, callow, green, uncouth … New Dictionary of Synonyms
unlearned — un•learn•ed [[t]ʌnˈlɜr nɪd[/t]] for 1,2,5; [[t]ʌnˈlɜrnd[/t]] for 3,4 adj. 1) uneducated; ignorant 2) not scholarly or erudite; not learned 3) not having been learned: an unlearned lesson[/ex] 4) known or possessed without having been learned •… … From formal English to slang
unlearned — adjective 1. /ʌnˈlɜnəd/ (say un lernuhd) not learned; not scholarly or erudite; uneducated; ignorant. 2. /ʌnˈlɜnd/ (say un lernd), /ʌnˈlɜnt/ (say un lernt) Also, unlearnt /ʌnˈlɜnt/ (say un lernt). not acquired by learning; never learned. 3.… …
Unlearned Parliament — The Unlearned Parliament also known as the Lawless Parliament , Parliament of Dunces or the Parliamentum Indoctorum is the term used for the 1404 parliament called by Henry IV of England at the Great Hall of the Benedictine monastery in Coventry … Wikipedia
unlearned — adjective Date: 14th century 1. possessing inadequate learning or education; especially deficient in scholarly attainments 2. characterized by or revealing ignorance 3. not gained by study or training Synonyms: see ignorant … New Collegiate Dictionary
unlearned — unlearnedly, adv. /un lerr nid/ for 1, 2, 5; /un lerrnd / for 3, 4, adj. 1. not learned; not scholarly or erudite. 2. uneducated; untaught; unschooled; ignorant. 3. not acquired by instruction, study, etc. 4. known without being learned. 5. of or … Universalium
unlearned — adjective a) Of a person, ignorant, uneducated, untaught, untrained. b) Of a behavior, not learned; innate. Ant: learned … Wiktionary